Diablo III, Diablo Seasons 0 comments on Killing the Dataminer (Season 2)

Killing the Dataminer (Season 2)

This blog is part of the series I am doing that focuses on my progress through Season 2 in Diablo III.  Last Season, I poured all my time and energy into it right from the start. This Season, I’m taking things really slow.  This is not entirely by choice.  I’ve been fighting “in real life” with some seriously monstrous pollen, and it seems to be winning.

As such, I don’t want my hard core Demon Hunter, who I named Dusk, to die due to my bad allergies.  If I can get him to Level 70, I’ll feel a little less hesitant about playing Diablo III while sick (or on a lot of allergy medication).

This time around, I continued to do a bunch of Bounties in Act I in Normal Difficulty.  I’m trying to finish the Seasonal Monster Slaying Achievements for Act I.  Once I do that, I can move on to Act II.  The screenshots you see in this blog were taken on February 27, 2015.
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Out of Spoons, Spoonie Poetry and Prose 0 comments on Fighting With Flowers

Fighting With Flowers

Years ago, I started expressing my frustration in the form of haiku. It was a coping mechanism for when I worked in “retail hell”. Later, I discovered that Twitter is an excellent place to post haiku (especially after Twitter added line breaks). If you’re going to complain online, you may as well find a creative way to do it.

February turned out to be an unexpectedly difficult month from a physical health standpoint. Spring has started here in sunny California, and all the little flowers are spewing pollen into the air as hard as they can. The pollen count has been “medium-high” for days in a row, and that is high enough to make me sick.

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