Flight Rising is a game where you manage a Lair that is filled with dragons.  It is also a game with an amusing sense of humor, and a penchant for celebrations.  The 1st Anniversary of the Flight Rising game happened on June 8, 2014.

They gave the players some delightful tasty cakes that they could feed to their dragons.  That was nice of them! All of the artwork in this post is copyright of Flight Rising.

There are many different breeds of dragons in Flight Rising.  Each has a preference about what kind of food it will eat.  The options are: meat, plants, insects, and fish.  Your dragons will eat their favorite kind of food when you feed them.  If none is available, they will eat their second favorite kind of food.  This leaves two types of food that an individual dragon cannot (or will not) eat. They will remain hungry until you give them the food that they like!

Players who have a lot of dragons will hit a point where it becomes difficult to keep them fed.  It think it was especially nice of the powers that be at Flight Rising to celebrate their 1st Anniversary by giving players some amusing, unique, cakes that they can feed to their dragons.

Everyone got 5 of each type of cake. The cakes were automatically placed into player’s Hoard (in the section that food is stored in).

1st Anniversary Meat Cake

1st Anniversary Meat Cake: – Meat – One rarely hears the words “meat & cake” uttered in the same sentence.  (Happy 1st Anniversary, Flight Rising!) – Sell Value: 500 – Food Points: 25

1st Anniversary Leaf Cake

1st Anniversary Leaf Cake:  – Plant – May be used to trick hatchlings into eating their vegetables.  (Happy 1st Anniversary, Flight Rising!) – Sell Value: 500 – Food Points: 25

1st Anniversary Ruined Cake

1st Anniversary Stolen Cake: – Insect – For some dragons, this cake has been ruined; for others, it has been enhanced!  (Happy 1st Anniversary, Flight Rising!)  – Sell Value 500 – Food Points: 25

1st Anniversary Fish Cake

1st Anniversary Fish Cake: – Seafood – About as appetizing as it sounds.  (Happy 1st Anniversary, Flight Rising!) – Sell Value: 500 – Food Points: 25

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