Recently, I blogged about my attempt to earn two of the breeding achievements in the Flight Rising game.  I put a pair of dragons together, and they produced quadruplets.  (There is no Achievement associated with getting your dragons to produce four babies in one nest).

Three of the babies had the genes I needed for the either the Sun Flecked Achievement or the Dappled Achievement.  The babies have now grown into some very nice looking adult dragons. All of the artwork in this post is copyright of Flight Rising.

That is what the quadruplets looked like as babies.  I always find it fun to see what baby dragons end up looking like when they turn into adults.  What follows is a comparison between the baby and adult form of each of these dragons.

Speckles is a male Mirror.
Primary: Fire Speckle
Secondary: Shadow Eye Spots
Tertiary: Jade Basic

Freckles is a female Mirror.
Primary: Orange Tiger
Secondary: Carmine Freckle
Tertiary: Denim Basic


Fergus is a male Mirror.
Primary: Fire Tiger
Secondary: Grey Freckle
Tertiary: Jade Basic

Ruckus is a male Mirror.
Primary: Orange Tiger
Secondary: Carmine Eye Spots
Teritary: Jungle Basic

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