Pokémon GO had a Halloween event that started on October 26, 2016, and lasted through November 1, 2016.   My husband and I celebrated Halloween by playing Pokémon GO.  It wasn’t until then that we realized we had been seeing some of the “spooky” Pokémon in the past few days, (before we learned that the event was taking place.)

The event involved more frequent sightings of “spooky” Pokémon.  Players could also earn double the amount of Candy every time they caught, hatched, or transferred a Pokémon while the event was going on.  The first indication that an event was taking place was the brand new screen that appeared as the game was loading.

When my husband and I started looking for “spooky” Pokémon, we didn’t really know what to expect.  There was a video that Niantic released that featured some dark purple Pokémon, but it also included bright yellow ones.  We also found “regular” Pokémon that were not part of the event.  Here are the “spooky” Pokémon that I caught during the event.  I’ve always enjoyed Halloween themed events in video games!







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