
Planned Parenthood Awarded $2 Million in Damages Over Secretly Recorded Videos

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

A federal jury in San Francisco found that the Center for Medical Progress (an anti-abortion group) and its president, David Daleiden, broke multiple federal laws when they secretly recorded and released (highly edited and altered) videos of Planned Parenthood employees.

Here are the facts about this lawsuit:

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Medium, Trump Lawsuits 1 comment on Trump Fined $2M for Misusing Trump Foundation Charity Funds

Trump Fined $2M for Misusing Trump Foundation Charity Funds

Image by Maret Hosemann from Pixabay

As you may recall, (then) New York Attorney General Barbara D. Underwood announced on December 18, 2018, that the Trump Foundation had signed a stipulation agreeing to dissolve under judicial supervision.

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