This blog is part of my series about my experience in the Diablo III: Reaper of Souls (RoS) beta. I was playing a female Crusader named Joan. In the previous blog, Joan had hit Level 11 and was very close to hitting Level 12. All of the screenshots in this blog were taken on December 20, 2013.
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Tag: Reaper of Souls beta
RoS Beta – Level 11: The Cursed Court
The Diablo III: Reaper of Souls (RoS) beta has ended. This blog is part of my series about my thoughts and experiences as I beta tested it. I was playing a female Crusader named Joan. When I left off, she had reached Level 10 and was working towards Level 11. All of the screenshots in this blog were taken on December 20, 2013.
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RoS Beta – Level 10: Breaking Not So Bad
The Diablo III: Reaper of Souls (RoS) beta is now over. Even so, I wanted to continue blogging about my experience in it. We still have some time before the RoS expansion is released. Perhaps something in my blogs about it will interest and/or help someone who wanted to know more about what the beta was like.
I was playing a female Crusader named Joan. In the previous blog, I stopped right after Joan hit Level 10. This blog will pick up at that point. All of the screenshots used in this blog were taken on December 18, 2013.
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RoS Beta – Level 9: Stuck in the Corner
This is part of my ongoing series of blogs where I review my progress through the Diablo III: Reaper of Souls beta. I’ve been taking things slow, in part so that I would have the opportunity to really think about the game.
I’m playing a female Crusader that I named Joan. She hit Level 9 at 2:50 a.m. on December 13, 2013. Things got a little weird once she hit Level 9. All of the screenshots that are used in this blog were taken on December 13, 2013.
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RoS Beta – Levels 7 – 9: Common Debris and Rare Items
I’ve been blogging my experience in the Diablo III: Reaper of Souls beta in an effort to give myself time to really think about the game. The result seems to be a series of gaming blogs that are rather introspective, and less of the “game guide” variety. I’ll leave the game guides for others to produce.
When I started the Reaper of Souls (RoS) beta, I rolled a brand new character. Joan the Crusader gave me an opportunity to try out the new Crusader class. When I left off, Joan had just hit Level 7 (as shown in the screenshot above). She achieved Level 7 at around 2:35 a.m. on December 18, 2013. All of the screenshots in this blog were taken on December 18, 2013.
Continue Reading “RoS Beta – Levels 7 – 9: Common Debris and Rare Items”
RoS Beta – Levels 6-7 and Poor Mira Eamon
I am playing the Diablo III Reaper of Souls (RoS) beta, and have decided to start blogging my impressions of it and thoughts about it as I go. It seemed like a good idea to get started on this before I got really far into the beta. As a recap: I’m playing a female Crusader named Joan.
In a previous blog, I focused on what it was like to level her from 1 – 5. This blog will pick up with Level 6. The screenshots that I am putting into this blog were taken on December 18, 2013.
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Reaper of Souls Beta
I received a key for the Diablo III: Reaper of Souls (RoS) beta shortly after the “Friends and Family” beta was over. Those that got into this (slightly later) beta had to start from the very beginning. By the time I got in, a change had been made. Players in the beta would not start out with access to Adventure Mode. I’m going to have to work my way to it.
This is the start of a series of blogs about my progress through Diablo III: RoS. I realize that the beta will disappear shortly before the RoS expansion is released. That’s a good enough reason to blog about it. Let’s see how far I get!
The screenshots you see in this blog are from December 18, 2013.
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