Diablo III, Diablo Seasons 0 comments on Taking Things Slow to the Jar of Souls (Season 2)

Taking Things Slow to the Jar of Souls (Season 2)

This blog is part of the series I am doing about my progress in Season 2 of Diablo III. This time around, I’m working on leveling up a hard core Demon Hunter named Dusk. My primary goal is to get him to Level 70 so I can unlock the transmogs that are exclusive to Season 2. If I accomplish that goal – I’ll pick another one to work towards.

The screenshots you see in this blog were taken on February 15, 2015. I decided to do some solo play through parts of Act I in Normal difficulty. In other words, I was playing it extremely safe. I was having a bad allergy day and was worried that this would affect my ability to focus on the game. So, I took things slow and hoped to level up my Demon Hunter a little bit more.
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Diablo III, Diablo Seasons 0 comments on The Adventure of Dusk Begins! (Season 2)

The Adventure of Dusk Begins! (Season 2)

Diablo III Season 2 started on February 13, 2015. I had the opportunity to get on Mumble and start off Season 2 by talking with, and gaming with, friends of mine. It is rare that I decide to get on Mumble while I’m playing video games and I’m really happy I did it. I think that Season 2 is going to be about pushing out of my “comfort zone” in Diablo III.

In Season 1, I spent the entire Season playing a soft core Barbarian (named Gurr). Barbarians are so much fun to play, and I had a great time. Before Season 2 started, I decided that I was going to play a hard core Demon Hunter this time around. I chose a male character because I’ve already got a female Demon Hunter who is at Level 70.

My new Seasonal Demon Hunter is named Dusk. The inspiration came from a Tweet sent by Neil Degrasse Tyson, who noted that we have a lot of people named Dawn, but no one named Dusk. I think the name fits the mood of a Demon Hunter. The screenshots you see in this blog are from February 13, 2015.

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