Season 3 in Diablo III is officially over and done with. My Seasonal Crusader has joined the rest of her softcore comrades. It was now time to open the mail and sort through all the stuff my Crusader brought back home with her.
I am a “digital hoarder”. I have a really bad tendency to keep stuff that I probably don’t actually need. I’ve gotten really good at getting rid of things in real life, in part because they collect dust (and I have severe allergies). The “loot” from Diablo III doesn’t collect any (real) dust, and so I tend to feel a need to hang onto it.
The hardest thing for me, when a Season ends, is that I have to figure out what to keep and what to get rid of. I’ve decided to make a blog about my decision making process so I can use it as a guide when upcoming Seasons end. Others might find it useful as well.
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