Book Reviews, science fiction 0 comments on The Blue-Haired Bombshell – by John Zakour

The Blue-Haired Bombshell – by John Zakour

The Blue-Haired Bombshell was handed to me by a friend of mine, who remembered when I used to dye my hair blue. I could immediately tell that the book came from the sci-fi section, but was somewhat hesitant about reading it. I mean, it just about screamed out “cheesy”.

Once I opened the book, I realized that it had way more potential than I’d first guessed. Here we have a really silly and fun book, that combines classic sci-fi concepts with both sarcastic and goofy humor.

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Book Reviews, fiction 0 comments on Pharmakon – by Dirk Wittenborn

Pharmakon – by Dirk Wittenborn

The word Pharmakon is Greek, and it means both “cure” and “poison” at the same time. I’m not sure it’s possible to see that word, “Pharmakon”, without immediately thinking about Big Pharma, and and all the drugs that people are prescribed for everything and nothing at all. That is a good place for your head to be at when you read this book.

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Book Reviews, fantasy 1 comment on New Moon – by Stephenie Meyer

New Moon – by Stephenie Meyer

New Moon is the second book in Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight series. You should read the first book, Twilight, before starting New Moon.

As I was reading New Moon, I mentally renamed it as “Bella Goes Emo”. The Twilight series is intended for teenagers and young adults, and I was quite a bit older than that when I started reading it. New Moon is best read when you are the same age (or better yet, younger than) Bella is at the start of the book.

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