Book Reviews, non fiction 0 comments on Me Talk Pretty One Day – by David Sedaris

Me Talk Pretty One Day – by David Sedaris

Me Talk Pretty One Day is a memoir, of sorts, that is presented in the form of 28 short stories. Each is funny, unflinchingly honest, and a unique way to look at the world. The stories range from when Sedaris was a child, through adolescence, college years, and adulthood.

His family included parents and siblings that were rather unique in their outlook on life, too, so you can imagine how outlandish some of the events in the stories are. Sedaris has a flare for the dramatic that is incredibly entertaining and that flows right in to the scene he is describing.

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Cockatiels 0 comments on Maxiboo is a Peep

Maxiboo is a Peep

Maxiboo loved to take naps on soft things. In this photo, she is snuggled up on the blanket that covers the cage. To me, she looked a bit like one of those yellow chicken Marshmallow Peeps.

Maxiboo is a Peep is a post written by Jen Thorpe on Book of Jen and is not allowed to be copied to other sites. The photo in this post is not allowed to be copied to other sites.

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Book Reviews, fiction 0 comments on After – by Amy Efaw

After – by Amy Efaw

They say that you can’t judge a book by it’s cover. This time, though, the cover was the reason why I decided to pick up After, flip it over, and find out what it was about. It shows a teenager with her hair pulled back in a bun, who is wearing sweatpants and leaning up against a wall.

Except, it isn’t exactly a wall she is leaning on. It’s more like a mirror, that shows her reflection. Look closely, and you will notice that the mirror image teenager appears to be pregnant. The visual was compelling enough for me to want to find out the whole story.

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