Tavern Brawl is something new in Heartstone. Each Brawl lasts for only a few days, and then gets replaced by a completely different one. There are unique rules for each Tavern Brawl, which I think helps to keep it interesting. To my surprise, I’m actually finding the Tavern Brawls to be a lot of fun!
In order to access a Tavern Brawl, a player must have at least one deck that is level 20 (or higher). It doesn’t matter which deck that happens to be. This time (and in the previous Tavern Brawl) player who won their first match received a free pack of cards.
I think of this particular Tavern Brawl as the “Banana Brawl”. It had some special banana cards that players could use in a number of ways. I ended up wining 2 matches before the “Bananas Brawl” ended. The screenshots you see in this blog were taken on June 24, 2015.
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