Diablo III, Diablo Lore 3 comments on Is Squirt the Peddler a God?

Is Squirt the Peddler a God?

There are many vendors in Diablo III, but only one of them is a child – Squirt. (Well, before the expansion, anyway).  Where is this kid getting the goods she is selling from?

The Barbarian vendor in the Keep gets his goods from caravans that occasionally make it through the battlefields.  Some of the other vendors travel into the sewers or aqueducts to pick up “trash”.  Players can easily find this out because those NPCs (non-player characters) clearly state it.  Squirt, on the other hand, never specifically mentions where she gets her goods from.

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Cockatiels 0 comments on Bright Idea

Bright Idea

Marvin’s bright idea: “I’m gonna crawl under the door to the bathroom, which is dark, unfamiliar, and has a toilet I can drown in.”

Needless to say, I put a stop to that idea right quick.

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Diablo III, Diablo Lore 5 comments on The Lore of Adria

The Lore of Adria

Adria is a character that has been in the “Diablo universe” for as long as Deckard Cain. Parts of her story have been scattered through Diablo III, in the form of journals that players can pick up as they go through Story Mode (or by doing Bounties).   Those journals leave a lot out, though. More of her story can be found in the Book of Tyrael.

In this blog, I will put all the pieces together, in chronological order, as best I can. The thing to keep in mind about Adria is she has spent her life seeking power. Her desire for power is the motivating factor behind everything she does.

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Cockatiels 0 comments on Walking


Pepper and Marvin came to visit.

They, being birds who can fly, decided to walk down the hallway. 

Of course!

This post was originally posted on Tumblr on the Click- A-Tiel account. It is not allowed to be posted to other websites.

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Cockatiels 0 comments on Lost in Thought

Lost in Thought

Poke seems to be lost in serious thought…

…about how to get to those wires that need to be chewed on.

This post was originally posted on Tumblr on the Click- A-Tiel account. It is not allowed to be posted to other websites.

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Diablo Creativity, Diablo III 0 comments on Sanctuary’s New Food Source – Boggits

Sanctuary’s New Food Source – Boggits

Sanctuary is a place of scarcity.  One might expect that in a world that has been overrun with both demons (and some angels) who are constantly trying to kill off the people who live there.  What started out as a paradise, and an escape for renegade angels and demons who wanted to opt-out of the Eternal Conflict, has become a dangerous, desperate, place.

As such, the people who live in Sanctuary have difficult lives.  The farms that produced food for everyone have been abandoned.  The farmers who stayed aren’t able to grow food anymore, due to an infestation of monsters on their land.  What are the people of Sanctuary going to eat now?  I suggest they turn to a new, and plentiful, food source – Boggits.

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