Treasure Goblin Pet from Diablo III: Reaper of Souls Collector’s Edition
This is my Day 4 post for #Blaugust. I probably should have been adding that to my previous three posts, but simply didn’t think to do it. I have two goals for this blogging project.
One, of course, is to write one blog every day until the month is over. The other is to write blogs that are related in some way to my favorite video game – Diablo III. I decided on that topic to challenge myself, since I am a person who regularly writes three or four blogs a day (on various websites).
I’m writing this as most of the lovely people I follow on Twitter are getting super excited about the upcoming announcement from Blizzard about … well, we don’t know exactly what that will turn out to be. Speculation abounds, as it typically does when people get the idea that WoW is due for another expansion. We’ve seen all of this before. I’m kind of bummed that there doesn’t seem to be much new coming to Diablo III, though.
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