Diablo III, Diablo Seasons 0 comments on Season Journey Chapter I (Season 4)

Season Journey Chapter I (Season 4)


Season 4 of Diablo III included something brand new. The Season Journey has several Chapters. Players who work their way through all of it will get a special Portrait Frame and Pet. So far, I’m having a great time with it and looking forward to completing the entire thing.

Players start with Chapter I of the Season Journey. You will be able to see all the tasks that are part of that chapter. I learned that it is possible to complete tasks from Chapter II before you finish Chapter I. However, you can’t unlock a new Chapter until you finish the previous one.

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Diablo III, Diablo Seasons 0 comments on Season 4 Begins!

Season 4 Begins!

sparkle-level-1-season-4If you follow any gamers on Twitter, you cannot help but have heard that Season 4 of Diablo III has begun! I was excited about it, but having a bad allergy day, so I could only play for a little while. My husband, Shawn, decided to join me and that made Season 4 extra fun.

So far, all the blogging I’ve done for any Season in Diablo III looks different from the blogging for previous, or later, Seasons. There’s always something new to check out, so I end up focusing on different aspects of the game each time.

I think that my Season 4 blogging will focus on my progress as I level up my character, and also on the newly added Season Journey.

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Diablo III, Diablo Seasons 0 comments on End of Season 3 Stash Sorting

End of Season 3 Stash Sorting

Season 3 in Diablo III is officially over and done with. My Seasonal Crusader has joined the rest of her softcore comrades. It was now time to open the mail and sort through all the stuff my Crusader brought back home with her.

I am a “digital hoarder”. I have a really bad tendency to keep stuff that I probably don’t actually need. I’ve gotten really good at getting rid of things in real life, in part because they collect dust (and I have severe allergies). The “loot” from Diablo III doesn’t collect any (real) dust, and so I tend to feel a need to hang onto it.

The hardest thing for me, when a Season ends, is that I have to figure out what to keep and what to get rid of. I’ve decided to make a blog about my decision making process so I can use it as a guide when upcoming Seasons end. Others might find it useful as well.
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Diablo III, Diablo Seasons 0 comments on Season 3 Wrap Up

Season 3 Wrap Up

At the time I am writing this blog, Season 3 in Diablo III isn’t quite over yet. It ends on August 23, 2015. I spent a few hours today trying to make progress with my Seasonal Crusader. It seems I’ve hit a wall, and cannot accomplish what it takes to earn the last few Seasonal Achievement points that I need in order to earn the special portrait.

Instead of grinding through the remaining hours left in Season 3, I’m going to put my energy into a blog that summarizes where I ended up this Season. Overall, I’d have to say that I found this Season to be more frustrating than the previous two.

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Diablo III, Diablo Seasons 0 comments on I’m Not Done With Season 3

I’m Not Done With Season 3

Season 3 in Diablo III is coming to an end in just a few weeks.  Players always get at least a little warning before a Season ends, and this time is no different.  Nevalistis posted a blog in the Diablo III section of Battle.net yesterday that states Season 3 will end on August 23, 2015.

I’m not quite done with Season 3 yet. At the same time, it feels like this Season has gone on long enough and is at a good place for it to end. There’s still some things I’m working on.

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Diablo III, Diablo Seasons 0 comments on Greater Rifts in Torment III (Season 3)

Greater Rifts in Torment III (Season 3)

This blog is part of the series I am putting together about my experience in Season 3 of Diablo III. So far, I’ve picked a different focus each season. For Season 3, I decided to put my best effort into the Greater Rifts.

I’m not entirely certain how the difficulty level that you set the game to matches up to the Tiers of the Greater Rift. At first, I though that if I set the difficulty level to Torment 3, for example, the Greater Rifts I enter would be that much harder than when I ventured into them with the difficulty set to Torment 2 or Torment 1.

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Diablo III, Diablo Seasons 0 comments on Greater Rifts in Torment II (Season 3)

Greater Rifts in Torment II (Season 3)

This blog is part of the series I am putting together about my experience in Season 3 in Diablo III.  My main focus in Season 3, other than making sure I got my Crusader to Level 70, was to work on Greater Rifts.

Overall, I’m glad I decided to do that because there wasn’t much else to do in Season 3.  There were much fewer Seasonal Achievements than in previous Seasons, so there wasn’t a whole lot to blog about.  In addition, I really hadn’t put much effort into Greater Rifts before Season 3.

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Diablo III, Diablo Seasons 0 comments on Greater Rifts in Torment I (Season 3)

Greater Rifts in Torment I (Season 3)

I hadn’t put very much effort into doing Greater Rifts before Season 3 of Diablo III started.  There wasn’t any particular reason why I hadn’t been working on them.  I guess I was much more focused on Seasonal Achievements that didn’t involve Rifts during Season 1 and Season 2.

My plan has always been to try and do something different each Season.  Sometimes, that means earning Achievements I’d never gone after before.  There have been times when I switched up my play style or got into a game with other players.  (I usually stick to solo games).

For Season 3, I decided to focus primarily on Greater Rifts.  I knew that I didn’t stand a chance of getting on any Leaderboards.  Instead, I decided to sort of make my own Leaderboard, in this blog, by posting my results here.

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Diablo III, Diablo Seasons 0 comments on To Paragon 20! (Season 3)

To Paragon 20! (Season 3)

This blog is part of a series I am writing about my experience in Season 3 of Diablo III.  I suspect that I won’t have as much to write about this Season (compared to previous seasons) because there are very few Seasonal Achievements to earn.

In a previous blog, McGlynn the Crusader hit Level 70.  She was now ready to earn some Paragon Levels.  I should note that I’m playing a soft core character in Season 3.  As I was working on Paragon Levels, I decided that I wanted her to hit Paragon 20 before I set the difficulty to Torment 1.

The screenshots you see in this blog were taken on May 2, May 9, May 13, and May 14, 2015.
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Diablo III, Diablo Seasons 0 comments on To Level 70! (Season 3)

To Level 70! (Season 3)

Season 3 in Diablo III started on April 10, 2015.  This time around, I decided to roll a Crusader (because I didn’t actually have any).  The last time I played a Crusader was during the Reaper of Souls beta.  I named my Crusader McGlynn, after Mary Elizabeth McGlynn (the woman who did the voice of the female Crusader).

After thinking it over, I decided to go soft core for Season 3.  From here on out, I’m just going to alternate between soft core and hard core characters for seasons.  It became clear that I made the right choice because there were some issues with lag when Season 3 began.

This blog focuses on the Seasonal Leveling Achievements that my Crusader earned as she went from Level 1 to Level 70.  These screenshots were taken on April 11, April 12, April 15, April 16, April 17, April 19, April 21, April 26, April 27, April 28, and April 29, 2015.
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