I’m tired. So very, very tired. All the time. Maybe you are too, but for different reasons.
Continue Reading “I’m Tired”Category: Spoonie Writing
Chronic Illness Moments

What’s worse than struggling with chronic illneses? The answer to that question would be suffering through fall pollen season, while California is on fire, during a pandemic.
In this blog, I have a collection of things I posted on social media while exhausted, sick, and on various drugs that somewhat alleviate my chronic illnesses.
Continue Reading “Chronic Illness Moments”Notes from Spring Pollen Season 2020

I have horrible allergies, which get noticeably worse when the pollen is too high for my body to tolerate. This year, Spring Pollen season started in late January. Here are some notes that I wrote on social media while suffering.
Continue Reading “Notes from Spring Pollen Season 2020”How a Window Air Conditioner Made Me Sick

My husband and I had a window air conditioner in our bedroom. We were lucky to have a relative come over and install it for us. At the time the work was done, everything looked great. The years were not kind to this air conditioner, nor the perch it was sitting on.
What we didn’t realize, until we had the air conditioner removed, was that it was very likely making us both sick. My immune system sucks, so this probably hit me harder than it did my husband.
Continue Reading “How a Window Air Conditioner Made Me Sick”How to Research a Medication for Allergens

Let’s say your doctor has prescribed a medication for you, based on your health issues and symptoms. It is a drug that you have never taken before. Your doctor believes it will help you.
Many people will simply fill the prescription and take the medicine. I, however, cannot do that because I have a whole lot of allergies. I learned the hard way that some medicines contain things I am allergic to.
My decision on whether or not to take a medication starts with research.
Continue Reading “How to Research a Medication for Allergens”Telemedicine Worked for Me

I have chronic illnesses and often get sick. Some of my chronic illnesses are autoimmune diseases. This isn’t anything new – I’ve been like this for as long as I can remember.
In July, the sinus infection that I had been trying to fight off started winning the battle. By the time I realized that I needed to see a doctor – everything was closed. What could I do? The solution to my problem was telemedicine.
Continue Reading “Telemedicine Worked for Me”Why I Started Using CBD

Those who know me well are aware that I have several chronic illnesses. Most of those illnesses cause pain, which can sometimes be unbearable.
There is no cure for any of my chronic illnesses, and I don’t want to take opioids for pain relief. After doing some research, I determined that CBD oil was a good choice for me.
Continue Reading “Why I Started Using CBD”Depo Provera Made Me Sick
Years ago, (somewhere in the early 2000s) I decided to start using a hormonal birth control. After doing some research, I thought that Depo Provera would be a good choice.
It is administered by shot every three months, and is one of the most effective forms of birth control. Unfortunately for me, Depo Provera made me very sick – and the side effects are still here all these years later.
Warning: This blog post is going to contain a lot of what many may feel is “too much information”. It is probably not something everyone will feel comfortable reading. This post is also very long.
My Doctor Left the Clinic
On September 18, 2018, I received a letter from what I have been referring to as “the clinic for the poor people”. My wonderful doctor, who actually had a lot of knowledge about my allergies, has left the clinic.
This unexpected situation left me without an assigned doctor (or, primary care doctor) during flu season. Not a good situation for a person with three autoimmune diseases who is trying to get on Disability.
The Ominous Power of Paperwork
Paperwork, when requested/demanded from a government entity, is certain to cause stress. In this case, the paperwork was something that my husband had to fill out because he receives Social Security Disability benefits. This isn’t the first set of paperwork he’s had to fill out, and it won’t be the last of it.
The paperwork problem is making me hesitant to do the work required for my second attempt at getting Disability benefits. This, while I’m struggling through a horrible Fall pollen season and well aware of how disabled I’ve become.
The image above is from Pixabay.