Diablo III, Diablo Seasons 0 comments on Assisting Captain Haile (Season 2)

Assisting Captain Haile (Season 2)

Season 2 of Diablo III is going to disappear in just a few days. I’ve been trying to keep up with blogging about my experience in Season 2 before it ended. However, I’ve fallen a little behind, so I might have a blog or two that will appear after Season 2 ends.

My main goal for Season 2 was to get my hard core Demon Hunter to Level 70. As I was leveling, I tried to get as many of the Seasonal Monster Slaying Achievements as I could. Right now, it doesn’t look like I will have time to get all of them before Season 2 ends.  The screenshots you see in this blog were taken on March 26 and March 27, 2015.
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