Diablo A to Z, Diablo III, Diablo Lore 2 comments on P is for the Prophet

P is for the Prophet

This blog is part of the series I am writing for the A to Z Blogging Challenge. The goal is to write one blog for each letter of the alphabet and to post each blog on the right day. I have fallen behind, but am not going to quit. Those who are posting their blogs on Twitter are using #AtoZ.

All of the blogs I write for this challenge are about Diablo III (and the “universe” that surrounds it). So far, I’m pretty happy with the blogs I have written. It is nice to finally get all the Diablo related stuff that has been into my head out of it and into a blog post (or several blog posts).

P is for the Prophet. This blog most likely contains some “spoilers”. Read it at your own risk.
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