This blog is part of the series about my experiences in the Diablo III: Reaper of Souls beta. The beta has been over for a long time now, but I’m not done blogging about it. These blogs are my way of sharing my thoughts about the game as I was playing through the beta. I’ve no idea if I will get into the next Diablo III beta (or if there will even be one) so I may as well blog this one well.
In my previous blog, my Crusader, Joan, hit Level 25. This blog will feature her adventure as she went from Level 25 to Level 26. Some of the screenshots that you see in this blog were taken on January 24, 2014. The rest were taken on February 24, 2014. (I must have been waiting for a new monitor to game on!)
Continue Reading “RoS Beta – Level 26: Changes to Griswold’s Scribblings”