Diablo A to Z, Diablo III, Diablo Lore 0 comments on V is for Virgil

V is for Virgil

This blog is part of my series that was supposed to be completed as part of the A to Z Blogging Challenge that took place in April of this year.  The rules require all participating bloggers to write one blog that fits with each letter of the alphabet and to post the blog on the correct day.  I failed to complete the Challenge on time.

My plan was to use the Challenge as a way to get started writing about Diablo III (and its “universe”).  The amount of detail that I wanted to put in the blogs proved to be too overwhelming for the time span I was allotted.  I still wanted to write about the ideas I selected, so I’m going to keep working on them.  The only difference is that they will be posted when I am able to (instead of within a certain time span).

V is for Virgil.  He is a non-player character (NPC) that players run into extremely briefly during one of the quests to collect the sword pieces for “the Stranger”.  Poor Virgil!  We hardly knew you.
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