Diablo A to Z, Diablo III, Diablo Lore 3 comments on Z is for Zayl

Z is for Zayl

This blog is part of an “A to Z” challenge that I started over a year ago… and am finishing now. It’s also my Day 13 post for #Blaugust. Why not kill two blogs with one stone?

Z is for Zayl. He is a beloved character in the Diablo III universe, along with his friend Humbardt.

Zayl is a necromancer. He carries with him the undead skull of Humbert Wessel (often in a pouch). The two play off of each other in was that can seem very comic at times. Overall, these two characters function like good friends, even when they bicker. Humbardt often complains that he wants to be taken out of the pouch because he can’t see anything. Zayl reminds him that he doesn’t have eyes anyway.

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