Step 1: Become a bird orb (or borb)
Pepper and Marvin are buddies.
This post was originally posted on Tumblr on the Click- A-Tiel account. It is not allowed to be posted to other websites.
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This is my very last post for #Blaugust, a project the requires participants to write one blog, every day, through the month of August. It is my understanding that you could write about whatever you wanted to, but most people seem to be writing about video game topics.
I chose to challenge myself by writing about Diablo III for each and every post. To be honest, I wasn’t entirely certain that I would be able to complete this project on time. I’m a freelance writer, so I knew that I could write a blog every day. I often write two or more each day. The difficulty was to see if I could come up with enough things to say about Diablo III for an entire month’s worth of blogs.
I’ve learned quite a bit from my experience with #Blaugust, especially about how to write video game related blogs. So, for my last post for the project, I’m going to share what I learned from doing #Blaugust.
Captain Rumford is one of the first NPC (non-player characters) that players interact with in New Tristram. If you’ve been playing Diablo III for a long time, you probably skip over the dialogue that involves Captain Rumford. You’ve heard it at least a dozen times by now.
His story is worth taking a second look at. Not only does it tell quite a bit about who he is, it also gives a glimpse into the lives of the people who lived in and around New Tristram when the dead started rising.
I found a folder of screenshots from a “Dead and Waiting” event that the hosts and listeners of Shattered Soulstone did on June 4, 2013. I’ve only attended a few of these events. This particular one involved Brawling.
Part of the reason why I am posting Diablo III screenshots from years ago is because this post is part of my contribution to #Blaugust. One of my goals was to use up some of the screenshots that I’d been hoarding. I meant to make a blog out of them someday… so, someday is today. The other reason is because these screenshots show my second hardcore character. At the time, I was extremely new to playing hardcore.
501 Minutes to Christ is a collection of personal essays written by Poe Ballentine. They are in the first person viewpoint, as one would expect with stories that are taken from the author’s real life experiences. This book is not one of those Christian inspiration books that include short stories that attempt to restore a person’s faith and make them feel uplifted. It is not a book of prayer.
The title of the book comes from a small piece of one of the personal essays. In it, a man is standing in the doorway of a church holding a sign that says “501 Minutes to Christ”. No further explanation is given by the man holding the sign, or the author writing about it. You are left to come to your own conclusions about what exactly that was supposed to mean.
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If you follow any gamers on Twitter, you cannot help but have heard that Season 4 of Diablo III has begun! I was excited about it, but having a bad allergy day, so I could only play for a little while. My husband, Shawn, decided to join me and that made Season 4 extra fun.
So far, all the blogging I’ve done for any Season in Diablo III looks different from the blogging for previous, or later, Seasons. There’s always something new to check out, so I end up focusing on different aspects of the game each time.
I think that my Season 4 blogging will focus on my progress as I level up my character, and also on the newly added Season Journey.
Throwback Thursday: Poke discovered she liked sitting on the shelf. (2014)
Now, if she would have sat there, without chewing it, that might have worked.
This post was originally posted on Tumblr on the Click- A-Tiel account. It is not allowed to be posted to other websites.
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Throwback Thursday: Flock of cockatiels (2014)
Morris and Max are on the swings. Poke, Pepper, and Marvin are in front.
This post was originally posted on Tumblr on the Click- A-Tiel account. It is not allowed to be posted to other websites.
If you enjoyed this blog post please consider supporting me on PayPal.me. Thank you!
Duriel is one of the Lesser Evils. He has what has been referred to as a “twin”. The lore that is about Andariel indicates that they are not related to each other. They aren’t really siblings. The reason those two Lesser Evils are considered to be “twins” is because the actions of one of them compliments and assists what the other does (in a sick, twisted, way).
Duriel is the Lord of Pain. In the Book of Cain, Duriel is described as “brother to Andariel”. However, Andariel is described as Duriel’s “so called twin”. Their relationship gets a bit more confusing if you consider the information found about Duriel in Diablo III.
Continue Reading “Lore of Duriel”