Diablo III, Diablo Lore 2 comments on Diablo IV: By Three They Come

Diablo IV: By Three They Come

Diablo IV takes place many years after the events in the Diablo III: Reaper of Souls expansion. Millions have been slaughtered. Some people (who are part demon and part angel) are still there – trying to survive. It is only a matter of time before an opportunistic and powerful being steps in to take control of it.

Diablo IV: By Three They Come was released at BlizzCon 2019. It provides an intense, and terrifying, look at what to expect in Diablo IV. (At the time I am writing this blog post, Diablo IV has not yet been released.)

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Medium, Trump Lawsuits 1 comment on Trump Fined $2M for Misusing Trump Foundation Charity Funds

Trump Fined $2M for Misusing Trump Foundation Charity Funds

Image by Maret Hosemann from Pixabay

As you may recall, (then) New York Attorney General Barbara D. Underwood announced on December 18, 2018, that the Trump Foundation had signed a stipulation agreeing to dissolve under judicial supervision.

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World of Warcraft, World of Warcraft Classic 0 comments on WoW Classic: Odds and Ends

WoW Classic: Odds and Ends

Vaca and Neverlast had picked up plenty of quests, and even started working on a few of them. The time had come to finish up as many as possible and turn them in.

This involved a whole lot of running around, which can tire out any Tauren. We weren’t expecting the scenery to temporarily become just as discombobulated as we were feeling.

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