Diablo III, Diablo Lore 0 comments on Leah’s Family Tree

Leah’s Family Tree

Last year, in April, I participated in an “A to Z” 30 day blogging challenge. One of the posts I wrote while working on that challenge was titled L is for Leah. In it, I briefly went over some of Leah’s backstory. I left a lot out in order to avoid massive “spoilers”.

Today, I decided to go ahead and put together Leah’s family tree. It’s something that’s been in my head for a while. It turned out that her family tree includes characters that one might not expect.

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Diablo III, Diablo Lore 3 comments on Is Squirt the Peddler a God?

Is Squirt the Peddler a God?

There are many vendors in Diablo III, but only one of them is a child – Squirt. (Well, before the expansion, anyway).  Where is this kid getting the goods she is selling from?

The Barbarian vendor in the Keep gets his goods from caravans that occasionally make it through the battlefields.  Some of the other vendors travel into the sewers or aqueducts to pick up “trash”.  Players can easily find this out because those NPCs (non-player characters) clearly state it.  Squirt, on the other hand, never specifically mentions where she gets her goods from.

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Diablo III, Diablo Lore 5 comments on The Lore of Adria

The Lore of Adria

Adria is a character that has been in the “Diablo universe” for as long as Deckard Cain. Parts of her story have been scattered through Diablo III, in the form of journals that players can pick up as they go through Story Mode (or by doing Bounties).   Those journals leave a lot out, though. More of her story can be found in the Book of Tyrael.

In this blog, I will put all the pieces together, in chronological order, as best I can. The thing to keep in mind about Adria is she has spent her life seeking power. Her desire for power is the motivating factor behind everything she does.

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Diablo A to Z, Diablo III, Diablo Lore 0 comments on V is for Virgil

V is for Virgil

This blog is part of my series that was supposed to be completed as part of the A to Z Blogging Challenge that took place in April of this year.  The rules require all participating bloggers to write one blog that fits with each letter of the alphabet and to post the blog on the correct day.  I failed to complete the Challenge on time.

My plan was to use the Challenge as a way to get started writing about Diablo III (and its “universe”).  The amount of detail that I wanted to put in the blogs proved to be too overwhelming for the time span I was allotted.  I still wanted to write about the ideas I selected, so I’m going to keep working on them.  The only difference is that they will be posted when I am able to (instead of within a certain time span).

V is for Virgil.  He is a non-player character (NPC) that players run into extremely briefly during one of the quests to collect the sword pieces for “the Stranger”.  Poor Virgil!  We hardly knew you.
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Diablo A to Z, Diablo III, Diablo Lore 1 comment on U is for Urzael

U is for Urzael

This blog was supposed to be for the A to Z Blogging Challenge that took place in April.  The rules require participants to write one blog for each letter of the alphabet, and to post them on the correct day.  My intentions were good, but my choice of subject matter turned out to be overwhelming.

I used the challenge as a “jumping off point” so I would finally push myself to start writing about Diablo III (and its “universe”).  I’m still interested in writing about the topics I selected.  The difference is that I can do it on my one time frame now.

U is for Urzael.  Players had not heard of him until they got far enough along in the Reaper of Souls expansion to be “introduced” to him.  Who is this new angel, what is his history, and why do we care?
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Diablo A to Z, Diablo III, Diablo Lore 4 comments on Q is for Queen Asylla

Q is for Queen Asylla

This blog is one that I intended to write for the A to Z Blogging Challenge. Unfortunately, I failed to complete all the blogs in the given time-frame. Instead, I spent a lot of time in April completing writing work that was for pay. The challenge itself is over, but I still wanted to write about the topics I selected for it. The difference is I will be doing it on my own timescale.

Q is for Queen Asylla. I have very mixed feelings about how this character is presented in Diablo III and the quests she gives the player.
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Diablo A to Z, Diablo III, Diablo Lore 2 comments on P is for the Prophet

P is for the Prophet

This blog is part of the series I am writing for the A to Z Blogging Challenge. The goal is to write one blog for each letter of the alphabet and to post each blog on the right day. I have fallen behind, but am not going to quit. Those who are posting their blogs on Twitter are using #AtoZ.

All of the blogs I write for this challenge are about Diablo III (and the “universe” that surrounds it). So far, I’m pretty happy with the blogs I have written. It is nice to finally get all the Diablo related stuff that has been into my head out of it and into a blog post (or several blog posts).

P is for the Prophet. This blog most likely contains some “spoilers”. Read it at your own risk.
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Diablo A to Z, Diablo III, Diablo Lore 0 comments on N is for Nephalem

N is for Nephalem

This blog is part of the series I am writing for the A to Z Blogging Challenge. Those who participate in this challenge are going to write one blog that matches up to each letter of the alphabet. The topic can be anything at all, so long as it somehow fits with the letter of the day.

The more difficult part of the challenge is to keep up with the blogging as the month rolls on. If you fall a little bit behind, you could catch up on a Sunday. (No letters are assigned to Sundays). Those that are participating are using the #AtoZ when they post their work onto Twitter.

I have decided to make all my blogs about Diablo III (and its “universe”).  I’m enjoying what I am writing, but have now come to the conclusion that this set of topics is a bit too much for the project. I haven’t quit yet, though.

N is for Nephalem. I’ve mentioned the nephalem in many of the previous blogs in this series. This blog will explain how they ended up on Sanctuary. Please note, this blog may contain “spoilers” if you haven’t read The Sin War Trilogy by Richard A. Knaak, or if you have not finished Act V of Diablo III: Reaper of Souls.
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Diablo A to Z, Diablo III, Diablo Lore 1 comment on M is for Malthael

M is for Malthael

This blog is part of the series I am writing for the A to Z Blogging Challenge. The goal is to write one blog that matches up to each letter of the alphabet. You are supposed to post every blog on the correct day, and to keep up as the month of April goes along. I am a few hours behind where I should be, but I am not giving up yet.

People who are participating in this challenge can choose whatever topics they want to write about. As long as they can find way to make their topic fit with the letter of the day, it’s all good. I have decided to write all of my blogs for this challenge about Diablo III (and the “universe” it exists in).

M is for Malthael, the “big bad” of the Reaper of Souls expansion. (Note, there are some “spoilers” here).
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Diablo A to Z, Diablo III, Diablo Lore 1 comment on L is for Leah

L is for Leah

This blog is part of the series I am writing for the A to Z Blogging Challenge. The goal is to create a blog that fits with each letter of the alphabet. You are supposed to post these blogs on specific days (that have been assigned the letter the blog matches with). I’m starting to fall behind due to my chronic illnesses making me sleep way too much.

The topic for the blogs written as part of the challenge can be about anything at all. If you feel a particular topic or subject fits well with a certain letter – go for it. I have decided to write all my blogs about the Diablo video games (and the “universe” it exists in). I’m starting to think this may have been too ambitious a goal for the time limit.

L is for Leah. Poor, doomed, Leah is one of the most tragic figures in the Diablo III video game. Her fate was decided before she was born. No matter how much effort she put into trying to create the life she wanted for herself, it was never going to work out. This post may be considered to contain “spoilers”. Read at your own risk.

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