Diablo A to Z, Diablo III, Diablo Lore 0 comments on J is for Jacob

J is for Jacob

This blog is part of the series I am writing for the A to Z Blogging Challenge. The goal is to write a blog that fits with a particular letter of the alphabet (and to keep up with the blogging as the month of April goes on). The topic can be anything at all, so long as it fits with the letter of the day.

I have decided to use this challenge as an opportunity to write about Diablo III (and its “universe”). For this blog, I have selected a character in the Diablo “universe” that some people may not have heard of. J is for Jacob.
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Diablo A to Z, Diablo III, Diablo Lore 6 comments on I is for Imperius

I is for Imperius

This blog is part of the series I am writing for the A to Z Blogging Challenge.  Those who are doing it must write a blog that matches a particular letter of the alphabet, from A to Z.  The goal is to keep up with the blogging and post each blog on the right day.  The topic can be anything a writer chooses, so long as it somehow fits with the letter for the day.  Those who are posting their blogs on Twitter are using #AtoZ.

I am using this challenge as an opportunity to write about Diablo III (and the “universe” it exists in).  As far as I can tell, I am the only blogger who is writing about a video game.  I is for Imperius.
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Diablo A to Z, Diablo III, Diablo Lore 0 comments on H is for Haedrig

H is for Haedrig

This blog is part of the series I am writing for the A to Z Blogging Challenge. The goal is to write a blog that matches up with each letter of the alphabet, and to do them all in the month of April. Ideally, a person is supposed to post each lettered blog on a specific day. So far, I haven’t fallen behind. Those who post their blogs on Twitter are using #AtoZ.

I have decided to use this challenge as an opportunity to begin writing about the Diablo III game (and the “universe” it exists in). H is for Haedrig Eamon.
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Diablo A to Z, Diablo III, Diablo Lore 2 comments on E is for El’druin

E is for El’druin

This blog is part of the series I am writing for the A to Z Blogging Challenge.  Most of the days in April have been assigned a letter of the alphabet.  The goal is to write a blog that connects in some way to the letter of the day.  I have decided to use the opportunity that this challenge brings to finally get started writing about Diablo III (and the “universe” is exists in).  Those that are participating in the A to Z Blogging Challenge are using #AtoZ on Twitter.

E is for El’druin.  One cannot really say much about El’druin without also talking about Tyrael.  El’druin is the name of Tyrael’s sword.  It has also been called The Sword of Justice, or El’druin, the Sword of Justice.  Tyrael and El’druin are connected to each other as though they are part of one being.  In many ways, that is exactly what they are.   It all makes sense when you remember that Tyrael started out as an angel.
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Diablo A to Z, Diablo III, Diablo Lore 1 comment on D is for Demon

D is for Demon

This blog is part of my contribution to the A to Z Blogging Challenge.  Every day has been assigned a letter of the alphabet.  (Except for Sundays. We get Sundays “off” for some reason).  You can pick any topic to write about that you want, so long as it fits into the daily letter.  I have decided to use this challenge as an excuse to get started writing about Diablo III (and the “universe” it exists in).

D is for Demon.   There are two sides to the Eternal Conflict in the Diablo “universe”.  On the one side, you have the angels, who originate from The Crystal Arch in the High Heavens.  The angels are really into order.  This drive may, or may not, connect to things that can be seen as “good”.  On the other side, we have the demons, who are all about chaos.
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Diablo A to Z, Diablo III, Diablo Lore 6 comments on A is for Angel

A is for Angel

I am writing this blog as part of the Blogging From A to Z Challenge.  I have decided to make all of my “A to Z” blogs about Diablo III. I’ve been wanting to try my hand at writing about the game and the “universe” it exists in. Now seems like the perfect time to start.

A is for Angel. What, exactly, are the angels the Diablo “universe”? The first thing one must do in order to learn the answer to that question is to set aside whatever religious concepts you currently have about angels. The Diablo “universe” (and Sanctuary) are not a replica of the universe in real life. The religions that exist in the real world do not have a direct connection to the “universe” of Diablo.
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