Hearthstone, Other Video Games 0 comments on Hearthstone: Kobolds & Catacombs – Defeat 5 Dungeon Run Bosses

Hearthstone: Kobolds & Catacombs – Defeat 5 Dungeon Run Bosses

Kobolds & Catacombs is a Hearthstone solo player expansion.  When the expansion was launched, it offered players the opportunity to do a Dungeon Run.  Players started with a quest called Begin a Dungeon Run.

After players completed the first quest, a new one appeared.  To complete it, players needed to “Defeat 5 Dungeon Run Bosses.”

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Hearthstone, Other Video Games 1 comment on Hearthstone: Kobolds & Catacombs – Begin a Dungeon Run Quest

Hearthstone: Kobolds & Catacombs – Begin a Dungeon Run Quest

Kobolds & Catacombs is a Hearthstone expansion.  Like the previous expansions, it was designed for solo players.  Kobolds & Catacombs went live on December 7, 2017 (in the Americas Region), and December 8, 2017 (in the Asia Region and the Europe Region).

A free Dungeon Run started the moment the expansion was launched.  The Dungeon Run was only meant to last for a limited time, and ended on January 15, 2017 (in the Americas). I was unable to complete the entire Dungeon Run, but still found it to be fun.  I hope they bring it back sometime.

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Hearthstone, Other Video Games 0 comments on Hearthstone: Curse of Naxxramas – Instructor Razuvious

Hearthstone: Curse of Naxxramas – Instructor Razuvious

Curse of Naxxramas was the first Hearthstone solo content expansion.  I am slowly working my way through it.  When it was first released, players could unlock different wings with either gold or real world currency.  I chose to spend gold.

Instructor Razuvious is the first boss in the Military Quarter of Naxxramas.  My first attempt to beat him ended in failure.  The screenshots in this blog were taken on November 12, 2016.

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Hearthstone, Other Video Games 0 comments on Hearthstone: Card Backs

Hearthstone: Card Backs

There was a time when I regularly put effort into earning a card back in Hearthstone. When I started trying to collect card backs, I was having fun with the experience. Once in a while, I return to Hearthstone and attempt to earn another card back.

The best thing about the card backs is the awesome artwork. This blog features all of the card backs that I have earned.

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Hearthstone, Other Video Games 0 comments on Hearthstone: On My iPad

Hearthstone: On My iPad

I have an iPad mini that I use to play video games. It didn’t occur to me until March 30, 2017, that I could put Hearthstone on my iPad mini. Previous to this realization, all of my Hearthstone experience happened on my Mac computer.

I learned that the Hearthstone app syncs with the Hearthstone game that I play on my computer. The best part of playing on an iPad is the way it feels. I mean, Hearthstone is a card game, so it makes sense to use your fingers to move cards around and fling cards on the virtual table.

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Hearthstone, Other Video Games 0 comments on Hearthstone: Fight Promoter Card

Hearthstone: Fight Promoter Card

On May 20, 2017, Hearthstone offered a free card to everyone who logged into the game. All players had to do was log in. There was no catch. Players didn’t have to do anything at all – other than log in on the right day. If you have found this blog after that date – you are too late to get the free Fight Promoter Card.

I find it somewhat amusing that some commenters on the Hearthstone post about the free card felt the need to create a conspiracy theory about it. In short, some believe that this free card was a test to see if giving away free stuff was enough of an incentive to make players log into Hearthstone. As conspiracy theories go… this one seems harmless.

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Hearthstone, Other Video Games 0 comments on Hearthstone: Curse of Naxxramas – Loatheb

Hearthstone: Curse of Naxxramas – Loatheb

Curse of Naxxramas was the first Hearthstone solo content expansion. I’m still working my way through it. When it was first released, players could unlock the different wings with either gold or real world currency. I chose gold.

The third boss in the Plague Quarter of Naxxramas is Loatheb. Before players can fight Loatheb, they have to beat the previous two bosses in the Plague Quarter: Noth the Plaguebringer and Heigan the Unclean.

It took me two tries to defeat Loatheb. The screenshots you see in this blog were taken on November 9, 2015.

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Hearthstone, Other Video Games 0 comments on Hearthstone: It’s Raining Mana! Tavern Brawl

Hearthstone: It’s Raining Mana! Tavern Brawl

The “It’s Raining Mana” Tavern Brawl took place in September of 2015. Little did I know at the time that I was about to take a hiatus from Hearthstone not long after this Tavern Brawl was over. The more matches I lose, the less fun Hearthstone becomes.

For this one, I was still happy because I was able to win one match and receive the free pack of Classic cards. The fun thing about this particular Tavern Brawl was that players got extra mana (starting on their second turn). The screenshots you see in this blog were taken on September 7. 2015.

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Hearthstone, Other Video Games 0 comments on Hearthstone: The Great Summoner Competition Tavern Brawl

Hearthstone: The Great Summoner Competition Tavern Brawl

The Tavern Brawls in Hearthstone have “crazy rules” that are different each time. This makes them fun to play. It provides an entertaining challenge with all kinds of unexpected things happening during a match.

If that isn’t enough to entice players, there is also a prize. Win one match in a Tavern Brawl – and you get a free Classic pack of cards. I’ve been trying to get into the Tavern Brawls every time I notice that one has appeared (but may have missed a few).

The Great Summoner Competition Tavern Brawl added an extra amount of randomness to the game. The screenshots you see in this blog were taken on August 16, 2015.

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Hearthstone, Other Video Games 0 comments on Hearthstone: Too Many Portals! Tavern Brawl

Hearthstone: Too Many Portals! Tavern Brawl

I’ve been enjoying the Tavern Brawls in Hearthstone, and try to get into as many as I can. The randomness of the rules in the Tavern Brawl, and the access to cards I don’t actually have, makes things really fun.

The “Too Many Portals!” Tavern Brawl took place at the end of July/beginning of August 2015. This particular Tavern Brawl had 10 hours left when I started playing it.  I had enough time to play until I managed to win a match (and earn the free card pack).  The screenshots you see in this blog were taken on August 2, 2015.

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