
California Enacted Reparations

photo of palm trees in front of a colorful sunset by Viviana Rishe on Unsplash

October 2, 2020: California has been working on a way to provide reparations for African Americans. This effort began in 2020, when Governor Gavin Newsom signed legislation giving special consideration to Black Americans. The legislation. which was authored by former Assemblymember Shirley Weber, called for the creation of a task force that would study and develop reparations proposals for African Americans. This is a first-in-the-nation attempt at providing reparations.

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California Pizza Hut Franchises Laid-Off Drivers

Photo of a Pizza Hut restaurant by Saumya Rastogi on Unsplash

Photo of a Pizza Hut Restaurant by Saumya Rastogi on Unsplash

Starting a brand new year by eliminating jobs from your nation-wide franchise is a terrible thing to do to workers. That said, it appears that Pizza Hut franchises in California decided to do exactly that. More specifically, the franchises (which are owned by Yum! Brands) decided to dump all their delivery drivers without notice.

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California 0 comments on Governor Newsom Signed Bills To Build More Housing in California

Governor Newsom Signed Bills To Build More Housing in California

A construction worker wearing a hard hat is on top of the side of a building made of wood. The worker is building the home.
Photo by Josh Olalde on Unsplash

Governor of California Gavin Newsom signed bills that are intended to increase California’s housing supply and fight the housing crisis. These bills were signed on September 16, 2021. They are part of California’s Comeback Plan.

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California 2 comments on The Republican Recall in California Failed!

The Republican Recall in California Failed!

It is such a huge relief that the California Republican recall failed! We get to keep Governor Gavin Newsom. The counting of the votes isn’t over yet. However, the percentage of votes from people who voted NO (on recalling Governor Newsom) are too high for his opponent to overcome with whatever amount of votes are still to be counted.

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California 1 comment on Larry Elder is Unqualified

Larry Elder is Unqualified

California deserves a governor who has political experience. Larry Elder is a talk radio host.

Let’s compare the qualifications of Governor Gavin Newsom and the qualifications of Larry Elder. One actually has a background in politics, having won at least three key political positions. The other is a talk radio host with no background in politics.

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California 0 comments on California Made College More Affordable

California Made College More Affordable

One of the biggest problems with attending a college or university is figuring out how to pay for it. California found a way to help with that. It starts with a bill called AB 132. The title of this bill is “Postsecondary education trailer bill”, and it amends an existing educational law.

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California Recall Election Will Use Mail-In-Ballots

The state of California will be holding a recall election in September. The first question asks voters if they want to recall (in other words, remove) Governor Gavin Newsom. The choices are: Yes or No. The recall effort is run by Republicans in a state that has an overwhelming majority of registered Democratic voters.

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