Out of Spoons, Spoonie Writing 0 comments on When Optimality Isn’t Optimal and Gluten-Free is Optional

When Optimality Isn’t Optimal and Gluten-Free is Optional

It all started with a news article that was retweeted into my  Twitter feed.  The article was very short, and reported that many people were going gluten-free even though they had absolutely no medical reason to do so.

The person who was retweeted into my Twitter feed is someone I do not know. She commented: “I’ll say it again, Unless you have a diagnosed condition, gluten free is not a “healthier” option”. According to the person’s Twitter bio, she is a PhD Researcher (Molecular Nutrition). I’m inclined to believe that she knows what she’s tweeting about.

This got me to wondering about something. Why would a healthy person willingly choose to restrict their diet unnecessarily?

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Out of Spoons, Spoonie Writing 0 comments on It’s Not Just Celiac Disease!

It’s Not Just Celiac Disease!

There’s been a bunch of news articles and blogs posted that state that unless you have celiac disease you cannot possibly be harmed by foods that contain gluten. This concept is factually incorrect and completely irresponsible to spread around.

It’s time for people who are not scientists, who are not doctors specializing in allergies and/or auto-immune diseases, and who have no physical issues with food themselves, to stop writing insensitive blogs that suggest that people who can’t digest gluten are lying about it. It is dangerous to spread false information about food allergies.  Your misinformed words could wind up making someone severely sick.
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30 Day Chronic Illness Challenge, Out of Spoons 0 comments on Give 5 Things you are Grateful For

Give 5 Things you are Grateful For

This month, I’ve been working my way through the 30 Day Chronic Illness Challenge.  Each day, there is a new writing prompt that focus on topics relating to chronic illness and/or living with a chronic illness.  The Challenge was created by @cfs_zombie, and I learned about it through Tumblr.  I’m almost halfway done with this Challenge and I’m starting to get tired of it.  So, this post will contain a lot of photos (just to change things up a bit).

Day 14: Give 5 things you are grateful for.

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