30 Day Chronic Illness Challenge, Out of Spoons 0 comments on Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes

Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes

The 30 Day Chronic Illness Blog was created by @cfs_zombie.  Each day, there is a brand new writing prompt that deals with chronic illness and/or living with a chronic illness.  I learned about this Challenge when someone reblogged it onto my Tumblr dashboard.  I have reached the end of the series!

Day 30:  And finally… starting at your toes and working up to your head, name each part of your body and how your illness has affected it, followed by something you like about that part of your body.

That’s too many words for a blog title, so I’m calling this one “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes” (like the kid’s song).

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30 Day Chronic Illness Challenge, Out of Spoons 0 comments on What has Helped you Cope with the Stress?

What has Helped you Cope with the Stress?

The 30 Day Chronic Illness Challenge was created by @cfs_zombie.  I learned about it when someone reblogged it onto my Tumblr dashboard.  Each day, there is a brand new writing prompt.  All topics focus on chronic illness and/or what it is like to live with a chronic illness.

Day 29: What has helped you cope with the stress of this lifestyle?

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30 Day Chronic Illness Challenge, Out of Spoons 0 comments on Name 5 Things you have Achieved Despite your Illness

Name 5 Things you have Achieved Despite your Illness

The 30 Day Chronic Illness Challenge is something I learned about through Tumblr. It was created by @cfs_zombie. Each day, there is a brand new writing prompt that focuses on the topic of chronic illness. I am looking forward to completing this project.

Day 28: Name 5 things you have achieved despite your illness

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30 Day Chronic Illness Challenge, Out of Spoons 0 comments on What’s the Most Helpful Advice you have Had?

What’s the Most Helpful Advice you have Had?

The 30 Day Chronic Illness Challenge gives you one brand new writing prompt each day.  All of the topics focus on chronic illness and/or living with a chronic illness.  It was created by @cfs_zombie, and I learned about it through Tumblr.  There are only a couple of days left to go!

Day 27: What’s the most helpful advice you have had?

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30 Day Chronic Illness Challenge, Out of Spoons 0 comments on What Impact has your Illness had on your Partner?

What Impact has your Illness had on your Partner?

The 30 Day Chronic Illness Challenge was created by @cfs_zombie.  I learned about it through Tumblr.  Every day, for 30 days straight, there is a brand new writing prompt.  Each topic focuses on chronic illness and/or what it is like to live with one.  I’m rather impressed that I’ve made it this far through the Challenge, despite having a sinus infection this month.

Day 26: What impact has this had on your friends, family, partner, parents, etc.?

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30 Day Chronic Illness Challenge, Out of Spoons 1 comment on Name 5 Activities

Name 5 Activities

The 30 Day Chronic Illness Challenge is nearly finished!  It consists of one brand new writing prompt, each day, that has something to do with chronic illness.  The Challenge was created by @cfs_zombie and I learned about it from Tumblr.  I am very motivated to complete this project.

Day 25: Name 5 activities that you have managed to pursue while being ill, and 5 activities that you have done that you wouldn’t have pursued if you hadn’t become ill.

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30 Day Chronic Illness Challenge, Out of Spoons 0 comments on How Do you Juggle your Social Life?

How Do you Juggle your Social Life?

The 30 Day Chronic Illness Challenge is a project that I’ve been working my way through.  It was created by @cfs_zombie, and I learned about it through Tumblr.  Each day, for 30 days, there is a brand new writing prompt.  All of the topics have something to do with chronic illness.

Day 24: How have you managed to juggle your social life through your illness?

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30 Day Chronic Illness Challenge, Out of Spoons 0 comments on What Do you Say to Yourself When you Need a Pep Talk?

What Do you Say to Yourself When you Need a Pep Talk?

The 30 Day Chronic Illness Challenge was created by @cfs_zombie. I learned about it through Tumblr. Each day, there is a new writing prompt that focuses on chronic illness and/or what it is like to live with one.

Day 23: What do you say to yourself when you need a pep talk?

Continue Reading “What Do you Say to Yourself When you Need a Pep Talk?”

30 Day Chronic Illness Challenge, Out of Spoons 0 comments on How have you been Treated by the Medical System?

How have you been Treated by the Medical System?

The 30 Day Chronic Illness Challenge consists of one brand new writing prompt each day.  All topics relate to chronic illness and/or living with a chronic illness.  The Challenge was created by @cfs_zombie and I learned about it through Tumblr.

Day 22: How do you feel you have been treated by the medical system?  Explain.

Continue Reading “How have you been Treated by the Medical System?”

30 Day Chronic Illness Challenge, Out of Spoons 0 comments on What Resources Do you Use?

What Resources Do you Use?

The 30 Day Chronic Illness Challenge was created by @cfs_zombie.  I learned about it when someone reblogged it onto my Tumblr dashboard.  Each day, there is a new writing prompt that focuses on chronic illness.

Day 21: What networks or websites have you used for support or information about your illness?

Continue Reading “What Resources Do you Use?”