Diablo Book Reviews, Diablo III 3 comments on Diablo III: Storm of Light by Nate Kenyon

Diablo III: Storm of Light by Nate Kenyon

Diablo III Storm of Light by Nate KenyonDiablo III: Storm of Light is Nate Kenyon’s second book that was written in the Diablo “universe”. Like his first one, Diablo III: The Order, this book is about situations and adventures that take place just outside of the story you learn as you play through the Diablo III game.  If you ever wondered what happened in between Act IV and Act V in Diablo III, this is the book that has the answers you are seeking.

This book review will not include any “spoilers” from the book.  However, I am going to reference parts of the Diablo III video game.  If you are someone who has not yet completed the game through the end of Act IV, you may want to bookmark this review and return to it after you have seen the cinematic for Act V.

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Diablo A to Z, Diablo III 0 comments on K is for Kenyon and Knaak

K is for Kenyon and Knaak

This blog is part of the series that I am writing for the  A to Z Blogging Challenge. The goal is to write a blog that matches up to each letter of the alphabet and to post it on the correct day. That last part is the most difficult for me because I have days when my chronic illnesses make me exhausted. That’s why this blog is being posted a little bit late.

I have decided to make all of my blogs for this challenge about Diablo III (and the “universe” it exists in). This gives me the opportunity to finally start writing about my favorite game. K is for Kenyon and Knaak, two authors who created a lot of the lore of Diablo.
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Diablo Book Reviews, Diablo III 3 comments on Diablo III: The Order by Nate Kenyon

Diablo III: The Order by Nate Kenyon

Diablo III: The Order was written by Nate Kenyon. It is the first book that was written with a connection to the Diablo III game. This is not the first time that Nate Kenyon has written for Blizzard. He is also the author of Starcraft Ghost: Specters. However, Diablo III: The Order is his first foray into the Diablo universe, and, in my opinion, he gets it exactly right.

The beta for Diablo III has long since ended, (and I miss it so!) When I first heard that the title of this book was “The Order”, it immediately brought to mind the NPC (non-player character) follower called The Templar. Those of you were in the beta, or who jumped in on the open beta weekend, probably played far enough into the beta to find him. You quickly learn that his name is Kormac, and he has quite a bit to say about “The Order”. Initially, I though this new Diablo book would be about his background.

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