Flight Rising, Other Video Games 0 comments on Flight Rising: Legacy Challenge – Eighth Generation

Flight Rising: Legacy Challenge – Eighth Generation

Flight Rising is a game where you manage a Lair full of dragons. One of the things you can do with your dragons is breed them – and make more dragons. I’ve been working my way through the Flight Rising Legacy Challenge. It is a ten generation breeding challenge that has specific rules and limitations that must be followed. Ideally, you end up with an attractive triple gened dragon at the end of the challenge.

I’m getting close to the end of the challenge, and intend to finish it. The challenge takes a long time to complete, in part due to the time it takes for the dragons to grow up and be ready to breed. Give it a try if you are looking for a long term project. All of the artwork in this post is copyright of Flight Rising.

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Flight Rising, Other Video Games 1 comment on Flight Rising: Graveyard Guardian

Flight Rising: Graveyard Guardian

The Graveyard Guardian was part of the 2014 Riot of Rot Celebration in Flight Rising.  It is an annual event that takes place at the end of October.  This year, all of the Holiday Familiars are bears.

Personally, I think this particular familiar looks kind of creepy.  Perhaps that is best, considering that it was the featured Familiar for the Celebration that honors the Plague Flight.  If you get the chance, go take a look at the way players in the Plague Flight dress up their dragons.  It will all make sense after that.  Oh, and it also goes nicely with Halloween, which takes place about the same time as the Riot of Rot.

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Diablo III, Diablo Seasons 0 comments on Act IV Achievements (Season 1)

Act IV Achievements (Season 1)

This blog is part of a series that I am doing about my progress through Season 1 in Diablo III. I began the Season with a brand new Barbarian, whom I named Gurr. My primary goal was to get Gurr through all the content in Story Mode, which would hopefully get him to Level 70. If not, then my next goal was to make sure he hit Level 70. After that, the plan was to pick up as many Achievements as possible before the Season ended.

This blog features the Achievements that Gurr got in Act IV of Story Mode. I was playing on Normal difficulty (figuring I could go back and run through it at higher difficulties later if there was time). The screenshots you see in this blog were taken on September 6, 2014
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Out of Spoons, Spoonie Writing 0 comments on It’s Not Just Celiac Disease!

It’s Not Just Celiac Disease!

There’s been a bunch of news articles and blogs posted that state that unless you have celiac disease you cannot possibly be harmed by foods that contain gluten. This concept is factually incorrect and completely irresponsible to spread around.

It’s time for people who are not scientists, who are not doctors specializing in allergies and/or auto-immune diseases, and who have no physical issues with food themselves, to stop writing insensitive blogs that suggest that people who can’t digest gluten are lying about it. It is dangerous to spread false information about food allergies.  Your misinformed words could wind up making someone severely sick.
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