Flight Rising, Other Video Games 0 comments on Flight Rising: Exalted Dragons

Flight Rising: Exalted Dragons

Flight Rising is a game where you manage a Lair that is filled with dragons.  At some point, you are going to run out of space.  When that happens, you have two options:  sell some dragons on the Auction House, or exalt some of them.  According to the Flight Rising lore, a dragon that has been exalted has been honored. It gets to go live with one of the dragon deities as a reward for whatever it accomplished before that point.

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Diablo III, Diablo Seasons 0 comments on The Adventure of Dusk Begins! (Season 2)

The Adventure of Dusk Begins! (Season 2)

Diablo III Season 2 started on February 13, 2015. I had the opportunity to get on Mumble and start off Season 2 by talking with, and gaming with, friends of mine. It is rare that I decide to get on Mumble while I’m playing video games and I’m really happy I did it. I think that Season 2 is going to be about pushing out of my “comfort zone” in Diablo III.

In Season 1, I spent the entire Season playing a soft core Barbarian (named Gurr). Barbarians are so much fun to play, and I had a great time. Before Season 2 started, I decided that I was going to play a hard core Demon Hunter this time around. I chose a male character because I’ve already got a female Demon Hunter who is at Level 70.

My new Seasonal Demon Hunter is named Dusk. The inspiration came from a Tweet sent by Neil Degrasse Tyson, who noted that we have a lot of people named Dawn, but no one named Dusk. I think the name fits the mood of a Demon Hunter. The screenshots you see in this blog are from February 13, 2015.

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Riglee Does Dungeons, World of Warcraft 1 comment on Riglee Does Dungeons – Scholomance

Riglee Does Dungeons – Scholomance

How many dungeons can a Death Knight do all by herself?  The “Riglee Does Dungeons” series of blogs is my attempt to find out.  Riglee, my Gnome Death Knight, was Level 67 when she entered Scholomance.  I’d gone through it once before, on a different character.  My memory of it included a room full of “zombies” to kill and I was looking forward to seeing my DK slaughter them.

The screenshots you see in this blog were taken on August 8, 2014.  My original intent was to post the blog right away, but that did not end up happening.  Riglee went into Scholomance long before the Warlords of Draenor expansion was released and before the character upgrades happened.

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Out of Spoons, Public Health 1 comment on Measles Outbreak – Just the Facts

Measles Outbreak – Just the Facts

You may have noticed that a lot of the people whom you are connected to through social media have started talking about measles. This is not entirely unexpected, considering that there is measles outbreak happening in the United States (as well as several other countries). Measles is a topic that people tend to have very strong feelings about. As a result, the information you’ve come across online could be a mixture of facts, emotional outbursts, and misinformation.

The internet is an excellent resource for finding information about a specific topic. Unfortunately, the very nature of the internet also makes it extremely easy for people to pass around misinformation (often without the person realizing that the information is incorrect).

The facts end up scattered across the internet, on a bunch of different websites, that are not directly connected to each other. In this blog, I will provide the facts about measles and the MMR vaccine (from credible sources). I will also update the blog with new information about confirmed cases. My goal is to have a “one-stop” resource for people who are seeking facts about the measles outbreak.

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Book Reviews, non fiction 0 comments on Wishful Drinking – by Carrie Fisher

Wishful Drinking – by Carrie Fisher

Carrie Fisher might be best known for her role as Princess Leia Organa in the Star Wars movies. Her mother is actress Debbie Reynolds, and her father is “crooner” Eddie Fisher. Each was independently famous and became more so after they got married. I suspect Carrie Fisher was a name people recognized from the moment she was born. In this book, she describes herself as “a product of Hollywood inbreeding”.

Wishful Drinking the book is based on Carrie Fisher’s show of the same name. Reading it feels like she is talking to you (and the audience you are sitting in.) It is an informal discussion about some of the bizarre things she has experienced in her life. Some of the stories could be seen as tragic, but they are presented in a humorous way.

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Diablo III, Diablo Seasons 0 comments on End of Season 1 Wrap Up

End of Season 1 Wrap Up

Season 1 in Diablo III is officially over and done with.  Players who participated will find their Seasonal character in the same place that their non-season characters are located.  I recommend that players who had a Seasonal character take a moment to retrieve all of that character’s loot from their mail before the time limit on that runs out and it all disappears.

I wanted to do a “wrap up” about Season 1, in part because it seemed like a nice way to end the series of blogs that I’d been writing about it.  One of my goals was to finish blogging about Season 1 at around the same time that the Season ended.  The other reason I wanted to do a “wrap up” was to have a place for the loose ends that are floating around in my head about Season 1. As such, this post might be a bit more scattered than usual as I cover all the “leftovers”.
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