Cockatiels 0 comments on Album Cover

Album Cover

Pepper, Morris, and Poke pose for their album cover.

Their hit single is called “Sing Until the Humans Wake Up”

Other songs include:

“Screaming Because the Cuttle Bone Fell”

“Looking Down at What I Dropped”

and “Can’t Work Out How to Preen” (which is a blues song sung in the key of baby cockatiels).

This post was originally posted on Tumblr on the Click- A-Tiel account. It is not allowed to be posted to other websites.

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Cockatiels 0 comments on Attention, Please!

Attention, Please!

Morris flew over, landed on my chest, climbed as fast as he could to my shoulder…. and stayed there.  He really wanted my attention!

This post was originally posted on Tumblr on the Click- A-Tiel account. It is not allowed to be posted to other websites.

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Cockatiels 0 comments on Super Cute

Super Cute

Morris being irresistible! 

This post was originally posted on Tumblr on the Click- A-Tiel account. It is not allowed to be posted to other websites.

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Heroes of the Storm, Other Video Games 0 comments on Heroes of the Storm: Cardback Mount

Heroes of the Storm: Cardback Mount

Every so often, Blizzard Entertainment makes some special in-game rewards that are intended to entice players to try more than one Blizzard game. Such is the case for the Cardback Mount in Heroes of the Storm.

The only way to earn this special mount is to play Hearthstone. The mount looks like a card back from the Hearthstone game.  If you already play Hearthstone, and have been playing it for a while, there is a good chance that you have already done what you need to earn the Cardback Mount.

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Cockatiels 0 comments on Good Morning!

Good Morning!

Marvin almost always wakes up in a good mood.

This post was originally posted on Tumblr on the Click- A-Tiel account. It is not allowed to be posted to other websites.

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Cockatiels 0 comments on Five More Minutes

Five More Minutes

Morris wasn’t quite ready to wake up this morning.

This post was originally posted on Tumblr on the Click- A-Tiel account. It is not allowed to be posted to other websites.

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Hearthstone, Other Video Games 0 comments on Hearthstone: Free Pack from Tavern Brawl

Hearthstone: Free Pack from Tavern Brawl

Hearthstone has added something new called Tavern Brawl. It is a new option for players. You can Play against other players in a somewhat casual match, play the Solo Adventures against the A.I., try Ranked Play and maybe earn a card back, or spend some gold or real world currency in order to enter the Arena…. and now, do a Tavern Brawl.

Tavern Brawl is unlocked once a player has a level 20 Hearthstone Hero. It doesn’t matter which Hero/Deck that happens to be. I decided to give the Tavern Brawl a try while it is free to play. There is also the potential for players to win a free card pack.

The screenshots you see in this blog were taken on June 19, 2015.

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Diablo Achievements, Diablo III 0 comments on Stamp the Champs Achievement

Stamp the Champs Achievement

Stamp The Champs: Kill a champion of all of the following types.

The Stamp the Champs Achievement is a Career Achievement that I happened to earn during Season 3. I completed the Achievement in Hard difficulty and on my Seasonal Crusader. However, it can be earned on any character, at any level of difficulty.

This Achievement can be found in your Career Achievement board under the category called Challenges. It is an Act V Achievement, but I’m pretty sure that I did at least some of it while I was in Nephalam Rifts. You have to kill off Champion packs of monsters that typically appear in Act V in Story Mode.

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The Dwarves, World of Warcraft 0 comments on The Dwarves Explore Gnomeregan

The Dwarves Explore Gnomeregan

This blog is part of the series that I am putting together about The Dwarves. My husband and I are running two low level Dwarves through Azeroth, one zone at a time. He has a Hunter named Hansbrix (with a pet bear named Fridge). I have a Priest named Bradanna.

In this blog, I post the highlights of The Dwarves trip through Gnomeregan. They also finished up some “odds and ends” while they were on the way from Arathi Highlands and heading back through Dun Morogh.

The screenshots you see in this blog were taken on April 25, May 2, and May 4, 2015.

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Cockatiels 0 comments on Airplane


Throwback Thursday: Marvin is ready for takeoff (2013)

This post was originally posted on Tumblr on the Click- A-Tiel account. It is not allowed to be posted to other websites.

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