Hearthstone, Other Video Games 0 comments on Hearthstone: It’s Raining Mana! Tavern Brawl

Hearthstone: It’s Raining Mana! Tavern Brawl

The “It’s Raining Mana” Tavern Brawl took place in September of 2015. Little did I know at the time that I was about to take a hiatus from Hearthstone not long after this Tavern Brawl was over. The more matches I lose, the less fun Hearthstone becomes.

For this one, I was still happy because I was able to win one match and receive the free pack of Classic cards. The fun thing about this particular Tavern Brawl was that players got extra mana (starting on their second turn). The screenshots you see in this blog were taken on September 7. 2015.

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Diablo III, Diablo Seasons 0 comments on Season Journey Chapter II (Season 4)

Season Journey Chapter II (Season 4)


Season 4 of Diablo III came with something new – the Season Journey. Players who complete all of the objectives, in every chapter, before the end of the Season will receive a special Portrait Frame and a cool Pet. (I think the pet looks like the skeletal pug – before it became a skeleton).

I thought I would be able to blow through the Season Journey rather quickly, but it is taking longer than I though it would. I recently completed Chapter II, and have no idea if I’ll be able to finish everything in time.

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Book Reviews, non fiction 0 comments on American Gothic – by Steven Biel

American Gothic – by Steven Biel

American Gothic is a book that is about the painting titled “American Gothic” that was painted by Grant Wood. The painting is famous for several reasons, and has generated more controversy over the years than I’d realized.

Those of you without a background in art history probably recognize the painting from the multitude of parodies that have been based on it. Those with a background in art history will enjoy the vast amount of details in this book that put the painting into context artistically, historically, and socially.

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Cockatiels 0 comments on Favorite Swing

Favorite Swing

Throwback Thursday: They have three swings, but prefer to share this one. (2012)

This post was originally posted on Tumblr on the Click- A-Tiel account. It is not allowed to be posted to other websites.

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Cockatiels 0 comments on Six Cockatiels

Six Cockatiels

Throwback Thursday: Flock of cockatiels (2012)

From nearest the camera to farthest away: Morris, Pepper, Poke, Gordo, Marvin, and Max

This post was originally posted on Tumblr on the Click- A-Tiel account. It is not allowed to be posted to other websites.

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Cockatiels 0 comments on Loved by Cockatiels

Loved by Cockatiels

Throwback Thursday: I woke up like this.  (2012)

Pepper is on my head.  Marvin and Morris are on my shoulders, and Max is hanging oh-so-gracefully- from my shirt.

This post was originally posted on Tumblr on the Click- A-Tiel account. It is not allowed to be posted to other websites.

If you enjoyed this blog post please consider supporting me on PayPal.me. Thank you!

Cockatiels 0 comments on Two on a Swing

Two on a Swing

Throwback Thursday: Two fluffy, sleepy, cockatiels sharing a swing.  Morris and Max used to do this a lot.  (2012)

This post was originally posted on Tumblr on the Click- A-Tiel account. It is not allowed to be posted to other websites.

If you enjoyed this blog post please consider supporting me on PayPal.me. Thank you!

Book Reviews, science fiction 2 comments on Cold Light – by Traci L. Slatton

Cold Light – by Traci L. Slatton

Cold Light is the second book in the After Series by Traci L. Slatton. The first book is called Fallen, and I fell in love with it immediately.

I recommend reading Fallen before reading Cold Light, in order to get the full story. That being said, I think Cold Light might stand up on its own. Some of what happened in the first book is mentioned, or at least eluded to, in the second book.

Cold Light picks up not long after Fallen ends, in a post-apocalyptic world that is in constant danger. Mists that eat metal, turn buildings to dust, and dissolve people, are still roaming the world. In addition, there is the danger that happens when desperate people, struggling to survive, see others as their enemy.

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