Diablo III, Diablo Seasons 0 comments on Season Journey Chapter IV (Season 10)

Season Journey Chapter IV (Season 10)

My main goal for Season 10 was to complete Chapter IV of the Season Journey. Typically, players have to get at least that far in order to get the special rewards that are only obtainable during a specific Season. By the end of Season 10, I had not only completed my goal, but also finished off a couple of Slayer objectives.

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Diablo III, Diablo Seasons 0 comments on Season Journey Chapter III (Season 10)

Season Journey Chapter III (Season 10)

Chapter III of the Season Journey went rather quickly. I tend to do all the Bounties, in all the Acts, right away.  It’s a good way to level up a new character and gather the items you need in order to put things into the Nephalem Cube. There are Seasonal Achievements for completing each Act’s Bounties – and they count towards Chapter III.

The screenshot above shows what Everard the Crusader looked like after he hit Level 70 and had 12 Paragon points. The pet came from a Menagerist Goblin, who dropped it for me a few Seasons ago.

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Diablo III, Diablo Seasons 0 comments on Season Journey Chapter II (Season 10)

Season Journey Chapter II (Season 10)

Chapter II of the Season Journey took a little longer for me to complete than Chapter I did. I think the reason was  because Chapter II had 11 objectives to complete (while Chapter I only had 9 objectives.) Part of my video game playing time was spent in the Necromancer beta, instead of working on Season 10.

It didn’t take long for Everard the Crusader to become super shiny! The screenshot above was taken not long after he hit Level 30.

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Diablo III, Diablo Seasons 0 comments on Season Journey Chapter I (Season 10)

Season Journey Chapter I (Season 10)

Season 10 of Diablo III took place at the same time that the Necromancer beta did. I ended up deciding to split my time between the two of them, rather than put all of my video game playing time into one (and missing out on the other). Despite this, I ended up making about as much progress as I hoped to in Season 10.

If the Necromancer beta had happened before Season 10 started, or after it was over, I might have gotten farther in Season 10.  Overall, I’m happy with where I ended up by the end of it.  Season 10 started off with several new changes that, in my opinion, improved the game.

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Diablo III, Diablo Seasons 0 comments on Season Journey Chapter III (Season 9)

Season Journey Chapter III (Season 9)

In Season 9, Chapter III of the Season Journey held some surprises. In past Seasons it was possible for players to earn an objective by completing five Bounties, in all five Acts, during one game.

I always complete the Bounties in all five Acts at the beginning of each Season. To me, it was something fun to do while leveling up a new character. It also was something a low level character could do that would earn one of the many Season Journey objectives.

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Diablo III, Diablo Seasons 0 comments on Season Journey Chapter II (Season 9)

Season Journey Chapter II (Season 9)

Chapter II of the Season Journey for Season 9 didn’t take me as long as I expected. But, I was still way behind where I thought I’d be. As I mentioned in the blog I put together about Chapter I, my game time was split between Season 9 and the new Darkening of Tristram event.

This is not a complaint.  It’s nice to have so much to do in Diablo III – and to be very interested in doing all of it!

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Diablo III, Diablo Seasons 0 comments on Season Journey Chapter III (Season 8)

Season Journey Chapter III (Season 8)

chapter-3-season-8-completedThe Season 8 version of Chapter III of the Season Journey was fairly easy for me to complete.  My Barbarian was prepared for Master Difficulty, which was the minimum difficulty setting that a player could complete Chapter III objectives on.

I earned three of the Chapter III objectives before I unlocked Chapter III.

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Diablo III, Diablo Seasons 0 comments on Season Journey Chapter II (Season 8)

Season Journey Chapter II (Season 8)

chapter-ii-completed-season-8I’ll be honest: I’ve been a slacker this Season.  It’s not because Season 8 wasn’t interesting, or because I’m getting tired of Diablo III.  Part of what is keeping me away from the game is that things have been very busy in real life lately.

The other thing keeping me from playing is my health.  If I’m not working – I’m sleeping.  Despite this, I managed to complete Chapter II of the Season Journey in Season 8.

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