Animal Crossing Pocket Camp Complete is the newest version of Animal Crossing Pocket Camp. In this blog post, I have collected up some screenshots that connect to “Toy Day”.
Jingle is a reindeer who carries a large sack on his back. He is dressed in a Santa Claus outfit. “Ho Ho Hoo there! It’s me! I’m here! It’s Toy Day season again!”
“When I get overexcited, I like to relax by staring at candlelights.”
“This year, I’m planning a candle Toy Day with a super relaxed vibe!”
“Well, this is rather sudden but, I’d like you to grow cyclamen in your garden.”
Snowy Toy Day dress
festive garland
snow-globe and candle set
white candle tree
candlelit white sofa
candlelit gift set B
snow-globe candle set
candlelit Toy Day tree
candlelit hearth
striped Toy Day pj bottoms
striped Toy Day pj top
striped Toy Day night cap
handheld Toy Day gift
My Pocket Camp character is wearing the striped pjs and a striped hat.