Ten Years Ten Questions, World of Warcraft 0 comments on What Effect has Warcraft had on your Life Outside Gaming?

What Effect has Warcraft had on your Life Outside Gaming?

This blog is the final part of the series I am writing because I wanted to participate in the 10 Years: 10 Questions project.  I was able to answer seven of the ten questions before the deadline.  For me, that is really good! I decided that I wanted to complete the entire series anyway, just for fun.

The reason I’m glad I gave this a try is because it forced me to write about my thoughts and experiences in (or related to) World of Warcraft (WoW). I’ve dabbled in writing about WoW a little bit, but always felt as though my efforts were inadequate. This project gave me an excuse to give it another try.  The more you write about something, the better your writing about that topic becomes.

Question 10: What effect has Warcraft had on your life outside gaming?

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Ten Years Ten Questions, World of Warcraft 0 comments on Are there any Regrets from your Time in Game?

Are there any Regrets from your Time in Game?

This blog is part of the series I am writing because I wanted to participate in the 10 Years: 10 Questions project. I completed some of the questions before the deadline, and decided to finish the rest anyway.

The questions are giving me a reason to do some writing about the World of Warcraft game, my experiences in it, and thoughts about it.  Answering the questions is also giving me a reason to put something else on this blog, which is nice.

Question 9: Are there any regrets from your time in game?

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Ten Years Ten Questions, World of Warcraft 0 comments on Admit it – Do you Read Quest Text or Not?

Admit it – Do you Read Quest Text or Not?

This blog is part of the series I started writing because I wanted to participate in the 10 Years: 10 Questions project. I was unable to complete all ten questions by the deadline. When I started, I realized that there was a good chance that I would be unable to finish everything in time. I got seven done! The remaining questions are being answered for my own amusement.

Question 8: Admit it – Do you read quest text or not?

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Ten Years Ten Questions, World of Warcraft 0 comments on How Long have you Played? Has that been Continuous?

How Long have you Played? Has that been Continuous?

This blog is part of the series I am writing because I want to participate in the 10 Years: 10 Questions project. The project involves 10 questions that are being asked of all World of Warcraft (WoW) players. It requires people to reflect on their experiences with the game during the 10 years that it has existed.

For me, the previous six questions in the project were fairly easy to answer.  I read the question and instantly had a general idea of what my answer would be.  Of course, sometimes the final blog ended up veering out into other directions as I wrote it.  This question, however, is one that I don’t really have a lot to say about.

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Ten Years Ten Questions, World of Warcraft 0 comments on Do you have an Area of the Game that you Always Return to?

Do you have an Area of the Game that you Always Return to?

This is part of the series I am doing because I want to participate in the 10 Years: 10 Questions project.  The project asks all players of World of Warcraft to answer the same 10 questions.  The answers that people give will be collected up and presented in a series of podcasts.  I am looking forward to listening to those!

Each of the ten questions requires players to sit down and think about their answer.  For some of the questions, I knew the main thing I was going to answer it with.  But, when I started writing, I ended up remembering things that I had completely forgotten about.  It has been a fascinating challenge!

Question 6: Do you have an area in game that you always return to?

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Ten Years Ten Questions, World of Warcraft 0 comments on What is your Favorite Aspect of the Game?

What is your Favorite Aspect of the Game?

This blog is part of the series I am writing because I want to participate in the 10 Years: 10 Questions project. World of Warcraft players are asked 10 questions about their memories of, and opinions about, World of Warcraft.  The game has been around for 10 years now, and it seems fitting to reflect upon it with 10 questions.

I’ve done some blogging about WoW before I decided to answer these ten questions.  However, this is the first time I’ve tried to do a series of posts about WoW where the emphasis was on the writing instead of the screenshots.  That’s new!  I’m unsure if I will continue this style after I finish the ten questions.  Right now, it’s a fun challenge.

Question 5: What is your favorite aspect of the game and has this always been the case?

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Ten Years Ten Questions, World of Warcraft 0 comments on What has been your Most Memorable Moment in Warcraft and Why?

What has been your Most Memorable Moment in Warcraft and Why?

This blog is one that I am writing because I want to participate in the 10 Years: 10 Questions project.  Obviously, that means that I should have a ten part series when I am finished.  Ideally, I’d like to finish before the deadline, September 1, 2014, but I will continue the writing even it miss the cut off.

Each of the 10 questions asks players of World of Warcraft to look back at their experiences during the 10 years that World of Warcraft has been in existence.  Players are free to give any answer that they feel is appropriate for the questions.  I’ve barely begun working on this set of questions, and already, it has made me really think about what this game has meant to me and what I’ve done in it.

Question 4: What has been your most memorable moment in Warcraft and why?

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Ten Years Ten Questions, World of Warcraft 0 comments on What Factors Determined Your Faction Choice in Game?

What Factors Determined Your Faction Choice in Game?

This blog is part of a ten part series I am doing because I want to participate in the 10 Years: 10 Questions project.

There are ten questions that World of Warcraft players can answer.  Each one asks them to really think about their experiences in the 10 years since World of Warcraft began.  Players can use this experience to share their memories, thoughts, and even rants about WoW.

Question 3: Which factors determined your faction choice in game?

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Ten Years Ten Questions, World of Warcraft 0 comments on What was the First Character you Ever Rolled?

What was the First Character you Ever Rolled?

This blog is part of a ten part series that I am doing because I want to participate in the 10 Years: 10 Questions project.  Each of the ten questions asks players of World of Warcraft to recall, and share, the memories that they have from the first 10 years of World of Warcraft.

Question 2: What was the first character you rolled?

The first character that I ever rolled was a female Night Elf Hunter. I gave her the name Thrisper. It came from the random name generator thing.

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Ten Years Ten Questions, World of Warcraft 0 comments on Why Did You Start Playing Warcraft?

Why Did You Start Playing Warcraft?

This blog is the first in a ten part series that I am doing because I want to participate in the 10 Years: 10 Questions project.  Each of the ten questions asks players to recall, and share, the memories that they have of World of Warcraft over the last 10 years.

Question 1: Why did you start playing Warcraft?

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