30 Day Chronic Illness Challenge, Out of Spoons 0 comments on What Would You Say to Your Past Self?

What Would You Say to Your Past Self?

This month, I am working on the 30 Day Chronic Illness Challenge. It was something I found on Tumblr that was created by @cfs_zombie. Each day has a different writing prompt that focuses on the topic of chronic illness. So far, I have found every topic to be interesting and thought provoking.

Day 6: If you could have told yourself something when you first remember these symptoms arising, what would you have said?

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30 Day Chronic Illness Challenge, Out of Spoons 0 comments on How Does Being Chronically Ill Make You Feel?

How Does Being Chronically Ill Make You Feel?

This blog is part of a series that I am writing for the 30 Day Chronic Illness Challenge. Each day there is a brand new writing prompt that focuses on some aspect of living with a chronic illness (or illnesses). It was created by @cfs_zombie. I learned about this Challenge from Tumblr.

Day 5: How does being chronically ill make you feel?

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30 Day Chronic Illness Challenge, Out of Spoons 0 comments on How Have Your Friends and Family Reacted to Your Chronic Illness?

How Have Your Friends and Family Reacted to Your Chronic Illness?

This blog is part of the 30 Day Chronic Illness Challenge that was created by @cfs_zombie.  There is a brand new writing prompt every day (for 30 days) that relates to chronic illness and being chronically ill.  So far, I am finding the selection of topics to be interesting.  I feel like I am learning something just by writing about my chronic illnesses.

Day 4: How have your friends and family reacted to it?

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TrialMan Challenge, World of Warcraft 0 comments on TrialMan Challenge – Day 9

TrialMan Challenge – Day 9

I am nearly finished with the 10 day TrialMan Challenge! Obviously, I am taking much longer than 10 actual days to complete it. That’s ok, because the rules allow for that.

You can even play your other WoW characters while you do this challenge. Just keep track of the one that is involved in TrialMan. Here is the holiday flavored adventures of Nazuga, the Orc Mage, for Day 9 of TrialMan.

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30 Day Chronic Illness Challenge, Out of Spoons 1 comment on How Did You Get a Diagnosis?

How Did You Get a Diagnosis?

This blog is part of the 30 Day Chronic Illness Challenge. I found out about it through Tumblr. It was something created by @cfs_zombie. Every day, for 30 days, there is a new writing prompt that focuses on a person’s chronic illnesses. The challenge part (at least for me) is to see if I can find enough energy to complete one blog, on a specific topic, every day for a month.

Day 3: How did you get a diagnosis?

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30 Day Chronic Illness Challenge, Out of Spoons 0 comments on How Does Illness Affect Your Life?

How Does Illness Affect Your Life?

This month, I am working my way through the 30 Day Chronic Illness Challenge. It was something I found on Tumblr that was created by @cfs_zombie. There is a new writing prompt for each day that focuses on chronic illness. The challenge is to complete each of the 30 blog posts in 30 days. It can be writing, photos, or however else you choose to express yourself.

Day 2: How have these illnesses affected your life?

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30 Day Chronic Illness Challenge, Out of Spoons 1 comment on 30 Day Chronic Illness Challenge – Introduction

30 Day Chronic Illness Challenge – Introduction

The 30 Day Chronic Illness Challenge is something that I found on Tumblr.  It appears to have been created by @cfs_zombie, who has compiled 30 writing prompts.  Each one focuses on something specific to chronic illness.  The challenge is to complete each of the 30 blog posts in 30 days.

Day 1: Introduce yourself.  What illnesses do you have?  How long have you had them?

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