Diablo A to Z, Diablo III 0 comments on B is for Barbarian

B is for Barbarian

This blog is part of my contribution to the A to Z Blogging Challenge. I write about a wide variety of topics, but have decided to make all of the blogs for this challenge about Diablo III (and the “universe” it exists in). This challenge provided the perfect excuse for me to finally go ahead and start writing about the game (instead of just posting screenshots).

B is for Barbarian. When Diablo III was first released, it offered players a total of 5 classes to choose from: Barbarian, Demon Hunter, Monk, Witch Doctor and Wizard. The Reaper of Souls expansion added a 6th class – Crusader. Each class can be played as either a male or a female character.

If you choose to play a female Demon Hunter, Monk, Witch Doctor, Wizard, or Crusader, your character will be a slender, yet curvy, woman. There are differences in hair color, skin tone, and voice between all of the classes. The female Barbarian, however, looks quite different from the rest. She is this large, tall, strong woman who towers above the other classes. I am really happy that Blizzard Entertainment (maker of Diablo III) made that choice!
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Flight Rising, Other Video Games 0 comments on Flight Rising: Legacy Challenge – First Generation

Flight Rising: Legacy Challenge – First Generation

The Flight Rising Legacy Challenge was created by justjasper. It is a 10 generation breeding challenge. The goal is to go from an ungened starter dragon to an attractive triple-gened dragon. There are specific rules and limitations that must be followed along the way.

In a previous blog, I purchased my “Founder” dragon. He makes up one half of the first generation. Next, I needed to find a mate for him (who would make up the other half of the first generation). All of the artwork you see in this post are copyright of Flight Rising.

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Diablo A to Z, Diablo III, Diablo Lore 6 comments on A is for Angel

A is for Angel

I am writing this blog as part of the Blogging From A to Z Challenge.  I have decided to make all of my “A to Z” blogs about Diablo III. I’ve been wanting to try my hand at writing about the game and the “universe” it exists in. Now seems like the perfect time to start.

A is for Angel. What, exactly, are the angels the Diablo “universe”? The first thing one must do in order to learn the answer to that question is to set aside whatever religious concepts you currently have about angels. The Diablo “universe” (and Sanctuary) are not a replica of the universe in real life. The religions that exist in the real world do not have a direct connection to the “universe” of Diablo.
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