Diablo III, Diablo Seasons 0 comments on Monster Slaying Achievements (Season 1)

Monster Slaying Achievements (Season 1)

Season 1 in Diablo III is coming to an end “soon”.  I wanted to take a minute to record some of the Seasonal Achievements that I earned before the Season ends. These Achievements might, or might not, appear in Season 2.

The Monster Slaying Achievements are Seasonal-only.  You cannot earn them unless you were playing a Seasonal character during Season 1.  The cool thing about this group of Achievements is that you could earn them as you played through Story Mode or while doing bounties and rifts.  It counted either way.
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Hearthstone, Other Video Games 0 comments on Hearthstone: Free Packs from Goblins vs Gnomes Expansion

Hearthstone: Free Packs from Goblins vs Gnomes Expansion

Blizzard Entertainment did something that I thought was very generous. When the Goblins vs Gnomes expansion launched, they gave all players three free packs of cards to open. These packs held cards from the new expansion.

Naturally, I did not hesitate to open those packs! This blog shows what cards I received. All the screenshots you see in this blog were taken on December 15, 2014.

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Flight Rising, Other Video Games 0 comments on Flight Rising: Legacy Challenge – Tenth Generation

Flight Rising: Legacy Challenge – Tenth Generation

Flight Rising is a game where you get to manage a Lair that is filled with dragons.  One of the many things you can do with your dragons is breed them. The Flight Rising Legacy Challenge is a ten generation breeding challenge.  You start with a ungened plentiful dragon and hope to end with an attractive triple gened dragon.

I am very happy that I have now finished the challenge.  It wasn’t incredibly difficult, but it did take more time than I anticipated (mostly due to waiting for a pair of dragons to sync up and be able to breed). All of the artwork in this post is copyright of Flight Rising.

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Diablo III, Diablo Seasons 0 comments on Leveling Achievements (Season 1)

Leveling Achievements (Season 1)

This blog is part of the series I am putting together about my experiences in Season 1 of Diablo III. In this one, I wanted to point out a batch of Seasonal Achievements that players could earn as they leveled a character through Season 1. Admittedly, these were some incredibly easy Achievements to obtain.

For that reason, I suspect that this batch of Achievements won’t be a part of Season 2. I could be wrong about that, though.

I’m basing this assumption on something I vaguely remember being said at BlizzCon 2014 about the removal of some of the Seasonal leveling Achievements. We will have to wait and see what ends up happening.
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Hearthstone, Other Video Games 1 comment on Hearthstone: Goblins vs Gnomes Pre-Launch Event

Hearthstone: Goblins vs Gnomes Pre-Launch Event

I would describe myself as a very casual player of Hearthstone.  I have been doing Ranked Play (when I like the card back enough to fight for it), but I typically find it frustrating.  As such, I rarely ever venture into the Arena.  It just doesn’t seem like the right place for me.

So far, I’ve gone into the Arena twice.  The first time was when I got a quest that let me get into the Arena for free.  The second time was this one – when Blizzard let everyone into the Arena for free (one time, only) so they could check out the new Goblins vs Gnomes cards before the expansion was released.  This was the pre-launch event for the expansion.

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Flight Rising, Other Video Games 0 comments on Flight Rising: My Dragon Got Featured!

Flight Rising: My Dragon Got Featured!

Flight Rising has a section on its front page called “Random Dragon”. As you might expect, it shows a randomly selected dragon that comes from one of the player’s Lairs. I am happy to announce that one of my dragons got featured. That’s never happened before! I learned about it thanks to the comments that a couple of other players left me.

The dragon you see in this blog is named Stonewash. He is a male Snapper dragon. He is wearing the “Wise Whiskers”, the “Rainbow Flair Scarf” and an “Alchemist’s Fez”. Stonewash makes me smile and giggle every time I see him! All of the artwork in this post is copyright of Flight Rising.

Flight Rising, Other Video Games 2 comments on Flight Rising: Night of the Nocturne

Flight Rising: Night of the Nocturne

Every month, Flight Rising has a end of the month event that connects to one of the eleven Dragon Flights. In December, the twelfth month, they do a special event. It started on December 25, 2014, and ended on January 4, 2014. It featured a brand new type of dragon – the Nocturne – which would only be available for a limited time.

I was fortunate enough to get two Nocturne dragons and a special “mimic” Familiar during this event. Players who were unable to obtain a Nocturne dragon should check the Auction House in a few months. There’s bound to be baby Nocturne dragons for sale, at a reasonable price, eventually. All of the artwork in this post is copyright of Flight Rising.

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Diablo III, Diablo Seasons 0 comments on To Level 70! (Season 1)

To Level 70! (Season 1)

This blog is part of my series about what I did in Season 1 of Diablo III. I rolled a brand new Barbarian and named him Gurr. He was my only Seasonal character for Season 1. My first goal for Season 1 was to get Gurr all the way through the Story Mode content (Normal difficulty).

This blog focuses on my second goal for Season 1. I wanted to have Gurr hit Level 70. My hope was that he would do that at the same time as he finished up Act V. That didn’t happen. So, I ended up running through bounties and rifts for a while in an effort to level him up.  The screenshots you see in this blog are from September 14, 18, 20, 21, 22 and 23, 2014.
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