Blizzard Entertainment did something that I thought was very generous. When the Goblins vs Gnomes expansion launched, they gave all players three free packs of cards to open. These packs held cards from the new expansion.

Naturally, I did not hesitate to open those packs! This blog shows what cards I received. All the screenshots you see in this blog were taken on December 15, 2014.

Goblins vs Gnomes was the very first Hearthstone expansion.  I wasn’t sure if a card game would have a pre-launch event, but it did.  It also made it incredibly obvious when the new expansion launched.  Players who logged in after launch were greeted with a notification they could not possibly miss.

What followed was a lovely announcement that made it clear that I had received 3 free packs of cards.  That pop-up said: Pack earned!  Play during the opening of the Goblins vs Gnomes expansion!

The Goblins vs Gnomes packs look quite different from the Classic packs of cards.  Time to open them up and see what they have inside them!

The first pack contained not one, not two, but three Explosive Sheep cards.  I now have a small herd of Explosive Sheep.  This amuses me!

The Explosive Sheep card can be used by all classes (which means it can be put into any deck). The text says: Deathrattle: Deal 2 damage to all minions.  The white gem indicates that this card is Common.  All three of my Explosive Sheep cards are Common.

The Cobalt Guardian card can only be used in a Paladin Deck.  The text says: Whenever you summon a Mech, gain Divine Shield.  The blue gem indicates that this is a Rare card.

The Mechwarper card can be used by all classes and put into any deck.  The text says: Your Mechs cost (1) less.  The white gem indicates that this is a Common card.

What was inside the second pack?

The Mechanical Yeti card is for all classes and can be used in any deck.  The text says: Deathrattle: Give each player a Spare Part.  I think I’m going to have to use this card before I will understand what a Spare Part is or what it does.  The white gem indicates that this is a Common card.

The Burly Lockjaw Trogg card is for all classes and can be used in all decks.  The text says: Whenever your opponent casts a spell, gain +2 Attack.  The white gem indicates that this is a Common card.

The Snowchugger card can only be used in a Mage deck.  The text says: Freeze any character damaged by this minion.  I ended up with two Snowchugger cards.  Both of mine had white gems in them, indicating that each one was a Common card.

The Vitality  Totem card can only be used in a Shaman deck.  The text says: At the end of your turn, restore 4 Health to your hero.  The blue gem in this card indicates that it is a Rare card.

One last free pack of “Goblins vs Gnomes” cards to open!

The Call Pet card can only be used in a Hunter deck.  The text says: Draw a card.  If it’s a Beast, it costs (4) less.  The blue gem indicates that this is a Rare card.

The Antique Healbot can be used by all classes and put into any deck.  The text says: Battlecry: Restore 8 Health to your hero.  The white gem indicates that this is a Common card.

The Flamecannon card can only be used by a Mage deck.  The text says: Deal 4 damage to a random enemy minion.  The white gem indicates that this is a Common card.

The Micro Machine card is for all classes and can be used in any deck.  Do you remember the Micro Machine line of toys?  The text on this card says: At the start of each turn, gain +1 Attack.  The white gem indicates that this is a Common card.

The Annoy-o-Tron card can be used by all classes and put in any deck.  I’m gonna stick this card in every deck I make!  The text on this card says: Taunt  Divine Shield  The white gem indicates that this is a Common card.

According to the Hearthstone Wiki, the Annoy-o-Tron says “hello…. hello… hello…”  when summoned.  It also says “HELLOOOO!!” when it attacks.  I’m really looking forward to seeing how this card affects other players!  Will it annoy them enough to make them concede the game?

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