Diablo III, Diablo Lore 2 comments on Lore of the Prime Evils and Lesser Evils

Lore of the Prime Evils and Lesser Evils

The lore of the Diablo series of video games and books makes it clear that there are Demons that originate in the Burning Hells. While many are minions, there are seven of them that are noteworthy.

The three Prime Evils and the four Lesser Evils are constantly battling with each other in an effort to take over more land and minions. Each one wants to become the most powerful Lord of the Burning Hells.

Here is a brief look at who each of these very important demons are.

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Other Video Games, Seekers Notes 1 comment on Seekers Notes: Stationery Kit Collection

Seekers Notes: Stationery Kit Collection

Seekers Notes is a game where the player becomes the Seeker and tries to solve mysteries, finish quests, and locate lost items. The game has an interesting story line. (These screenshots were taken in 2018).

The very first collection the player must complete is the Stationery Kit.

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Book Reviews, fiction 0 comments on Stories for Nighttime and Some for the Day – By Ben Loory

Stories for Nighttime and Some for the Day – By Ben Loory

Stories for Nighttime And Some for The Day is, as you may have guessed, a book of short stories. One of them could probably fit into a single Tweet!

Each short story feels like a parable or a fable. I got the feeling that there was a lesson in each one, if only I could puzzle out what it was trying to tell me. This imaginative collection of stories refuses to hand the reader an obvious answer about what it all means.

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Cockatiels 0 comments on Curious Poses

Curious Poses

Morris and Marvin are very curious about something! Pepper is relaxing on the couch, unconcerned. Pinky is sitting in the door of the cage.

Photo by Shawn Thorpe.

This post was originally posted on Book of Jen. It is not allowed to be posted to other websites.

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Cockatiels 0 comments on Morris on TV

Morris on TV

Morris found a way to get on top of the TV. He decided to sing a happy little song about it. In the background, another cockatiel is complaining and trying to convince Morris to stop singing.

Video by Shawn Thorpe.

This post was originally posted on Book of Jen. It is not allowed to be posted to other websites.

If you enjoyed this blog post please consider supporting me on Ko-fi. Thank you!

Hearthstone, Other Video Games

Why I’m Not Boycotting Blizzard

As you may have heard, there was a controversy involving Hearthstone (made by Blizzard Entertainment, which is part of Activision/Blizzard), and a Hearthstone player who publicly stated a viewpoint that has been described as political. This led to many fans of Blizzard’s games to call for a boycott of the company. (You may have seen #BoycottBlizzard trending on Twitter).

I am not among those who are boycotting Blizzard. Yes, I realize that there will be people who choose to become angry with me because I am not doing what they have decided to do. I’m sharing my reasons anyway, in part because I doubt I’m the only person in the world who chooses not to join in this boycott.

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Book Reviews, horror 0 comments on The Care and Feeding of Exotic Pets – by Diana Wagman

The Care and Feeding of Exotic Pets – by Diana Wagman

Despite the title, The Care and Feeding of Exotic Pets, is not a book about how to provide care and comfort to an unorthodox choice of pet. You won’t find this one in your local pet store!

Instead, it is an intense, creepy, novel about a woman who is kidnapped by a man who owns a gigantic iguana. Diana Wagman does an excellent job of getting into her characters heads, frightening the reader, and building the intensity of the story as it goes on.

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