My eyes are itching and I’m wheezing.
Too overloaded with pollen to think clearly.
My neighbors just had a screaming fight outside for all to hear, which typically would set off my PTSD.
My eyes are itching and I’m wheezing.
Too overloaded with pollen to think clearly.
My neighbors just had a screaming fight outside for all to hear, which typically would set off my PTSD.
I am not ok.
The cumulative effect of being exposed to too much pollen, for so many days, is taking its toll.
We have lived through 59 days in 2017 – and 16 of mine have been utterly ruined due to bad allergies that I can’t do much of anything about.
Some of the other days were very difficult due to my rheumatoid arthritis or fibromyalgia, or accidental allergen exposure.
This body was not meant to live on this planet.
I can’t stop blowing my nose. I need my allergies to calm down for a little while so I can take a shower.
Ever tried taking a shower when your nose won’t stop running? I wouldn’t recommend it.
This is going to be yet another day on Benadryl, and there isn’t anything I can do about it.
When the pollen count is over 7, I am sick.
When it is over 8, I am in a ton of pain.
I ventured out into the 8.2 pollen count of a day so I could go to acupuncture. It helps with pain and with getting my body to cope with allergies (for lack of a better description).
I take a good nap at acupuncture, come home somewhat better than I was before – and then crash into sleep again a few hours later.
Haven’t managed to get any work done today at all.
The pollen count today is 6.1, which wouldn’t usually cause me any problems on its own.
The problem is that my body is so overloaded from the high amount of pollen that has been in the air for the past 13 days that I’m really sick today.
Continue Reading “Spring Pollen Season – Another Brief Reprieve!”
Sleeping…sleeping… sleeping
Everything hurts
I wish there was a cure for allergies.
Today, the pollen count is 8. This is not good for me.
I woke up with eye pain today, and have taken medication for it. This ruins my whole day. I’m never quite right after waking up with allergen induced eye pain.
My digestive tract, my kidneys, and probably my liver, are overloaded with pollen – and the histamine my body produces in response to allergen exposure. Every part of me is sore and tired.
The pollen count is 7.9 – which isn’t very different from yesterday’s 8.
I woke up with “allergy stomach.” If you don’t know what that means, consider yourself blessed.
I am so sick that our cockatiels have noticed and are being super cute and gentle with me today.
My husband cut my hair for me last night. Short hair is so much easier to wash than long hair is – especially when I am depleted from 11 days of too much pollen in the air.
The pollen count is 8 today.
I am so allergic that I can no longer focus on any work stuff
Struggling and exhausted …and soon to be full of medicine
My husband is well again and out catching the new Pokemon.
Once again, I stayed up until the wee hours of the morning, before the sun came up, and managed to get some work done. I am overloaded with pollen, and each day adds more. Pollen Season has a cumulative effect that lingers and doesn’t disappear at the end of the day.
Anything above 7 causes me harm. Today is 7.4, and I am miserable. It doesn’t help that I am sick in addition to being super allergic. My husband, however, seems to be improving.