TV and Movie Reviews 0 comments on Star Trek Into Darkness – Review

Star Trek Into Darkness – Review

This movie review was originally posted on a website called Kernel Critic, which no longer exists.

Star Trek Into Darkness is the second movie in the “rebooted” series that is based upon the characters from the original Star Trek television series (and, in part, the movies that involved the original characters). I am impressed by how well the actors in the “rebooted” films have captured the essence of the characters that they are portraying.

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health insurance, Out of Spoons 0 comments on Insurance Rate Change

Insurance Rate Change

Health insurance is kind of backwards. If you are extremely wealthy, then you might be able to get through life without having health insurance coverage. I mean, Bill Gates is unlikely to have concerns about being unable to pay for an extended hospital stay or the cost of the ambulance that took him to the hospital.

What if you aren’t extremely wealthy? You are simply not going to be able to pay your medical bills out of pocket.  The only way you are going to be able to pay for your health care needs is if you can get insurance coverage. Theoretically, health insurance is supposed to be there to help you pay for (at least some) of your medical bills.

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Diablo Game Play, Diablo III 0 comments on Friends Helped Us Through Act III

Friends Helped Us Through Act III

One of the cool things about Diablo III is that you don’t have to play it all by yourself. I mean, you can if you want to. However, it is also perfectly acceptable to allow your friends to help you progress through the game. Always fun!

If you have been following along, then you know that our current goal is to get the two characters we rolled on Launch Night completely through Normal difficulty before May 15, 2013 (the anniversary of when Diablo III was released).

Here’s more of the adventures of my Demon Hunter, ThirtySeven, and Shawn’s Barbarian, Smashez Stanzenfyr. We were happy to have help from some friends. We started with ThirtySeven at level 31 and Smashez at level 30, and we left off slightly after the battle with Cydaea.

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Diablo Game Play, Diablo III 0 comments on A Little Bit Closer to the End of Act III

A Little Bit Closer to the End of Act III

My Demon Hunter, ThirtySeven, and Shawn’s Barbarian, Smashez Stanzenfyr, were “born” on Launch Night, May 15, 2012. It’s been nearly a year, and they have yet to make it to the end of Diablo III in Normal difficulty.

In a previous blog, I noted that ThirtySeven was at level 30, Smashez was at level 29, and they were about to go after the Sin Hearts. Here’s some of the more interesting parts of their adventure.

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Diablo Game Play, Diablo III 0 comments on Working Our Way Through Act III of Normal

Working Our Way Through Act III of Normal

Diablo III was released on May 15, 2012. It’s been almost a year! My Demon Hunter, ThirtySeven, and Shawn’s Barbarian, Smashez Stanzenfyr, were created on Launch Night.

They are still in Normal difficulty! The goal now is to get these two characters to the end of Act IV of Normal mode before May 15, 2013. Both Smashez and ThirtySeven were at level 29, and were somewhere in Act III of Normal. Here are the more interesting parts of their adventure!

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Gardens of Time, Other Video Games 0 comments on Gardens of Time: Rainy Day Song

Gardens of Time: Rainy Day Song

Gardens of Time has gotten into the habit of putting together special items that take days to build. Each can take anywhere between 8 to 12 days.

You cannot complete the build on your own. Instead, you must rely on your Gardens of Time friends to send you a particular item each and every day until the time runs out. I play the game through the Playdom website, so this has never been a problem for me. I imagine it must lead to a lot of “game spam” on Facebook.

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