Out of Spoons, Spoonie Writing 0 comments on The Ominous Power of Paperwork

The Ominous Power of Paperwork

Paperwork, when requested/demanded from a government entity, is certain to cause stress. In this case, the paperwork was something that my husband had to fill out because he receives Social Security Disability benefits. This isn’t the first set of paperwork he’s had to fill out, and it won’t be the last of it.

The paperwork problem is making me hesitant to do the work required for my second attempt at getting Disability benefits. This, while I’m struggling through a horrible Fall pollen season and well aware of how disabled I’ve become.

The image above is from Pixabay.

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Out of Spoons, Spoonie Writing 0 comments on Tiny Little Things

Tiny Little Things

The pollen count today is 8.1 and I am miserable. We are about a week or so into the Fall 2018 pollen season now. It has a cumulative effect, and there is absolutely no way to know how long this pollen season will last.

There are times when I think that maybe I’ll be able to work and make enough money to not need to try and get on Social Security Disability. And then, nature tries to kill me, and makes the rest of my chronic illnesses worse. I am struggling.

The problem is… my freelance writing work might actually make it even more difficult for me to get approved for Disability. Again.

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Out of Spoons, Spoonie Writing 1 comment on Like a Bad Penny

Like a Bad Penny

In February of 2017, after finally making it through the long, exhausting, process of attempting to get Social Security Disability, I was denied. Obviously, this was incredibly frustrating. I started the process in 2014, and spent a big part of the next three years waiting around to see whether or not a Disability Judge would do the right thing.

Long story short, the judge found the flimsiest of excuses to deny me the help that I am entitled to. Last week, I began “Round Two” of my battle to get the Social Security Disability assistance that I need.  If I keep turning up like a bad penny, maybe those who make decisions will do the right thing – so I will go away.

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health insurance, Out of Spoons 9 comments on A Timeline of the GOP’s Attempts to Destroy Obamacare – Part One

A Timeline of the GOP’s Attempts to Destroy Obamacare – Part One

Image by GDJ on Pixabay

Obamacare is the name most frequently used to refer to President Barack Obama’s signature piece of health care legislation. That’s not the actual name off the health care law, though.  The phrase “Obama-care” was first used by lobbyist Jeanne Schultz Scott in the trade journal Healthcare Financial Management in March 2007.

The name of the law is the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. (PPACA).  It is often shortened to Affordable Care Act (ACA).  People also call the health care law Obamacare, and it is also sometimes spelled as ObamaCare.

On March 3, 2016, The New York Times reported that President Obama said that enrollment in health coverage under the Affordable Care Act had reached a new high – 20 million people. That figure includes people who have received private health insurance on the exchanges, those who gained Medicaid coverage under state expansions, and young adults who were able to stay on their parents’ health plans until age 26.

Here is what happened to Obamacare after President Trump took office on January 20, 2017, with a Republican majority in both the U.S. Senate and in the U.S. House of Representatives.

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