The Steamscale Incinerator was offered to players who had six-month World of Warcraft subscriptions. To me, it looks like a steampunk dragon.
Continue Reading “Steamscale Incinerator”The Steamscale Incinerator was offered to players who had six-month World of Warcraft subscriptions. To me, it looks like a steampunk dragon.
Continue Reading “Steamscale Incinerator”Squeakers, the Trickster, is a mount that was released in January of 2020. It was made available to players who had an existing 6-month subscription with a future renewal date.
Continue Reading “Squeakers, The Trickster”This gorgeous mount is the Sylverian Dreamer. You can get it for free with a six-month subscription to World of Warcraft. This offer is valid through July 29, 2019.
I accidentally obtained this mount without realizing I had done so.
Continue Reading “Sylverian Dreamer”In 2014, Blizzard Entertainment paired up with Paul Jr. and his team from the television show American Choppers. The purpose was to have two choppers created – one based on the Horde and one based on the Alliance. This mini-version of the regular show was called Azeroth Choppers.
You can now obtain the Alliance Champion’s Treadblade in the World of Warcraft game. Start saving up your gold!
Earlier this year, Blizzard Entertainment paired up with Paul Jr. and his team from the television show American Choppers. The purpose was to have two choppers created – one based on the Horde and one based on the Alliance. This mini-version of the regular show was called Azeroth Choppers.
As you may recall, a vote was taken after both the choppers had been completed. Players of World of Warcraft were asked to vote for the chopper that they most wanted to see in-game. When the voting was over, it was clear that the Horde had won. Here is how to get your own, in-game version, of that chopper.
The Treasure Goblin Pet is the World of Warcraft version of the Treasure Goblins that appear in Diablo III. Those of you who purchased the Collector’s Edition of the Diablo III: Reaper of Souls expansion have access to your very own Treasure Goblin (in World of Warcraft). It is among the special items that Blizzard created that are “crossovers”.
Some of you that have been spending a lot of time playing Diablo III: RoS might have forgotten about this little World of Warcraft related freebie. Take a minute to log into WoW and pull this little guy out of your mailbox.
Hearthstone has officially launched. It came with a cool “special offer”. Win 3 games in Play Mode in Hearthstone, and the Hearthsteed is yours! You can get it for free.
Obviously, this is Blizzard’s way of trying to get WoW players interested in trying out Heartstone. I’d been playing the Hearthstone beta, and liked it enough to want to keep playing. So, for me, it was a “no brainer” to go get this mount. I get a reward for doing something I was going to do anyway!