I have not yet recovered from yesterday’s 10.3. Today’s 9.5 is technically better, but I sure don’t feel any better. Anything over 7 causes me a lot of harm.
Went outside to get groceries. Managed to play Pokémon GO for about fifteen minutes.
I have not yet recovered from yesterday’s 10.3. Today’s 9.5 is technically better, but I sure don’t feel any better. Anything over 7 causes me a lot of harm.
Went outside to get groceries. Managed to play Pokémon GO for about fifteen minutes.
The air is so full of pollen now that it is literally dangerous for me.
Started taking Benadryl at 6 am – then slept.
Husband woke me up to take more drugs.
Today’s pollen count is 9.4, which feels the same as yesterday’s 9.5.
I am still mostly nocturnal, in a desperate attempt to avoid breathing in the pollen that spews by day.
The pollen count today is 9.5, which is only a teeny tiny bit better than yesterday’s 9.8. I guess. I mean, I’m not experiencing any noticeable benefit.
I remain nocturnal, trying to get work done before the sun comes up and the plants spew pollen into the air – again.
Everything hurts. I’m at the point now where this pollen season has been going on for so long that it’s beginning to feel like my new “normal”. This is a depressing observation.
It is literally too dangerous for me to go outside.
Question for anyone reading this. Have you ever been sick for 30 days/ an entire month? I figure this is not very common, even among people with allergies.
The instant the sun came up I started sneezing, having a runny nose, having a severely unhappy digestive system, and bad joint pain.
The cumulative effects of the pollen – for the past month – are becoming devastating.
The pollen count today is 9.7. It is officially considered to be a high amount of pollen – even for people who do not have any pollen allergies.
All I can do is sleep.
Now, I get to make a choice. Sleep and rest more in the hopes of being in less pain – or push myself to get work done so we can pay bills.
Once again, I worked through the night and went to sleep when the sun came up and my eyes started itching.
Today’s 9.3 isn’t noticeably better than yesterday’s 9.4.
I slept for twelve hours straight and would have slept more if my husband hadn’t woken me up for dinner.
The pollen count is 9.4, and everything hurts.
Too much Benadryl for too many days and things are getting weird.
The hallucinations have started – this time, it’s small, perfectly round, “bugs” that move like they are in a video game.
I know they aren’t real.
Yesterday, I went outside to get groceries. My Epi-Pen was going to expire in April, and I was able to get the much less expensive CVS version instead.
My husband and I played Pokémon GO in the short distance between the grocery store, the CVS, and a restaurant we picked up food from.
This was enough to knock me out for the day.
I’ve been waking up dehydrated for days in a row. It could be due to the allergy medications I’m taking (more often than when it is not Spring Pollen Season). Or, it might be due to frequent sneezing/coughing stuff out of my throat and lungs/extra histamine my body is producing from the pollen.
I didn’t get enough sleep.
My eyes are itching, again, and that’s starting to be my “new normal.”