Gardens of Time, Other Video Games 0 comments on Gardens of Time: 12 Days of Gifting

Gardens of Time: 12 Days of Gifting

This year, Gardens of Time decided to do a ton of Christmas stuff. I didn’t participate in everything – mostly because I’m not a huge fan of Christmas. But, I did participate in an event called “12 Days of Gifting”.

You know the song “The 12 Days of Christmas”, right? That’s pretty much what this little event was based on. On the first day, players had to get at least one friend to send them a partridge in a pear tree. On the second day, it was no longer possible to send a friend a partridge in a pear tree. Instead, you could send a gift of two turtle doves. And so on, and so on.

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Diablo Game Play, Diablo III 0 comments on The Little Wizard Tries Monster Power

The Little Wizard Tries Monster Power

In my previous Diablo III blog, I went over a little bit about my first experiences with Monster Power. It put in screenshots of how it went with my Demon Hunter, my Barbarian, and even one screenshot of my little bitty Monk.

I also tried out Monster Power with my little Wizard, Orlando. He started off as level six, so he was obviously still in Act I of Normal mode. I selected Monster Power 1 for him, and went right back to the Crypts in the Cemetery of the Forsaken. Here’s some of the highlights of his adventure.
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Gardens of Time, Other Video Games 0 comments on Gardens of Time: Dragon Tower

Gardens of Time: Dragon Tower

Behold! The Dragon Tower (at level 5)!

This screenshot is from the Gardens of Time game. Basically, it’s a game where you have a scene filled with stuff and you have to find certain objects within the scene. It’s fun. You get your very own “garden” to put stuff in, like buildings, decorations, and a bunch of other stuff. The buildings start out looking pretty good, but you can level them into something more awesome if you want to.

The Dragon Tower is my favorite item in Gardens of Time.

Diablo Game Play, Diablo III 0 comments on More Powerful Monsters

More Powerful Monsters

What’s this Monster Power I’ve been hearing about? I decided to find out, and Shawn was kind enough to help me. It took us a while to figure out how to enable Monster Power. Once we got that sorted out, we got confused about how to make it work in a co-op game. Eventually, we actually got to try out this new Monster Power thing.

In short – more powerful monsters. Here’s some interesting screenshots of what we ran into on our very first experience using Monster Power.
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Diablo Game Play, Diablo III 0 comments on Gaming While Sick – I Haz the Dumb

Gaming While Sick – I Haz the Dumb

As usual, I haven’t had a whole lot of time to play Diablo lately. Thanksgiving was spent at a relative’s house (and it was fun). We had a relative’s birthday to attend to a few days later (and it was fun, too). Naturally, since I actually left the house and went outside not once, but twice, in a short span of time, I have been really sick.

My goal for Diablo III this time around was to see if I could figure out how to get Monster Power to work, and then, to check it out. But, because I’m sick, I haz “the dumb”. Therefore, our first experience with Monster Power was … confusion.

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