Heroes of the Storm, Other Video Games 1 comment on Heroes of the Storm: Kaijo Diablo Skin

Heroes of the Storm: Kaijo Diablo Skin

On June 4, 2015, a little surprise was waiting for me on Twitter. I got a direct message from the verified Heroes of the Storm Twitter account. The message said that I had won “a Diablo + Kaijo Diablo skin bundle”. There was a code in the direct message that would unlock this gift. The code worked and I had the opportunity to find out what Diablo looks like with the Kaijo Diablo skin.

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Cockatiels 0 comments on Bang!


Bath time ended with a bang!

This post was originally posted on Tumblr on the Click- A-Tiel account. It is not allowed to be posted to other websites.

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Cockatiels 0 comments on Prepare to Nap

Prepare to Nap

Poke is preening and probably hoping to take a nap on the couch.

This post was originally posted on Tumblr on the Click- A-Tiel account. It is not allowed to be posted to other websites.

If you enjoyed this blog post please consider supporting me on PayPal.me. Thank you!

Flight Rising, Other Video Games 0 comments on Flight Rising: Theme Week – Progenitor Dragons

Flight Rising: Theme Week – Progenitor Dragons

Every week, Flight Rising posts a new theme for players to participate in. You can find the current theme at the top of the Dragon Share Forums. All players who feel that any of their dragons fits the theme are welcome to participate.

It’s super easy to join in the fun. All you have to do is reply to the forum post and add links to your dragons. You can add some description or further explanation if you would like to.

The Progenitor Dragons theme became active on March 19, 2015 (and is no longer accepting further posts to it). In this blog, I show off the dragons I posted into that theme. All of the artwork in this post is copyright of Flight Rising.

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Cockatiels 0 comments on Rescue Me

Rescue Me

Morris, once again, lands on a curtain and waits to be rescued.

This post was originally posted on Tumblr on the Click- A-Tiel account. It is not allowed to be posted to other websites.

If you enjoyed this blog post please consider supporting me on PayPal.me. Thank you!

Diablo Game Play, Diablo III 1 comment on Not the Cow Level

Not the Cow Level

Diablo III celebrated its third anniversary with a pun filled event that took the “there is no cow level” concept and ran with it. It was announced in a blog post titled Debunking the Cowspiracy which advised citizens of Sanctuary to stay calm… the rumors of an invasion of “homicidal heifers” was nothing more than a clever hoax.

The special event ran from May 15 through May 21, 2015. It occurred while Season 3 was live, but was not limited to seasonal play. All players had the chance to find a cow-like “goblin” (for lack of a better term) that would spawn a portal into the “Not the Cow Level”. Personally, I found this event to be hysterically funny! The screenshots you see in this blog were taken on May 17, 2015.

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Pre-Expansion Events, World of Warcraft 1 comment on Zombie Infestation

Zombie Infestation

In October of 2008, there was a world event in World of Warcraft that has since been referred to as the “Zombie Infestation” or the “Zombie Plague”. It appeared after patch 3.0.2 and preceded the Wrath of the Lich King expansion.  I’ll leave you to read the information I linked to on WoW Wiki if you would like to see some more detailed information about this world event.

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Flight Rising, Other Video Games 0 comments on Flight Rising: Timber Tender Familiar

Flight Rising: Timber Tender Familiar

The Timber Tender Familiar was the holiday Familiar for the 2015 Greenskeeper Gathering. It took place during the last week of May of 2015.

This holiday focuses on the Nature Flight. Players who wanted to obtain the Timber Tender needed to gather up some special holiday currency and spend it at the Festive Favors booth while the holiday was going on.

If you were not able to collect the Timber Tender while the 2015 Greenskeeper Gathering was going on, your best bet is to check the Auction House for it. Be prepared to pay high prices. All of the artwork in this post is copyright of Flight Rising.

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Cockatiels 0 comments on Oblivious


Throwback Thursday: Morris has no idea how silly he looks with extra feathers on his head! (2013)

This post was originally posted on Tumblr on the Click- A-Tiel account. It is not allowed to be posted to other websites.

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Cockatiels 0 comments on Couch Potatoes

Couch Potatoes

Throwback Thursday: From top to bottom we have Marvin, Gordo, Poke, and Pepper.

Gordo passed away in 2013.  He loved to eat and to nap.  The rest of the birds in this photo are still here and doing great!

This post was originally posted on Tumblr on the Click- A-Tiel account. It is not allowed to be posted to other websites.

If you enjoyed this blog post please consider supporting me on PayPal.me. Thank you!