Fall Pollen Season 2017, Out of Spoons 0 comments on Painted Plants Don’t Spew Pollen

Painted Plants Don’t Spew Pollen

August 21, 2017, was Day 5 of the 2017 Fall pollen season. Yesterday, Shawn and I went outside because we wanted to take a walk and play Pokémon GO.  I was struggling a bit, but felt like things were manageable. The pollen count was 7.7 that day.

Unfortunately, the pollen count got higher and I overestimated my ability to physically cope with a pollen count of 8. I probably should have stayed home today.

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Diablo III, Diablo Seasons 0 comments on Season Journey Chapter I (Season 11)

Season Journey Chapter I (Season 11)

I’m slowly working my way through Season 11. This time around, I selected a Monk because the real world is making me want to punch things.

I already had a soft core female Monk, so I picked a hard core male Monk for Season 11. It’s nice to get a chance to really listen to all the different voice actors.

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Fall Pollen Season 2017, Out of Spoons 0 comments on Too Sick to Take a Photo

Too Sick to Take a Photo

My intent for Fall pollen season 2017 was to post a relevant photo each day. It’s fairly easy to do, but I managed to fail three days in. August 19, 2017, was Day 3 of the Fall pollen season. I took zero photos, and that probably means I was way to sick to do much of anything. I can’t remember what I did. So, here’s a screenshot of the pollen count that was tormenting me.

Too Sick to Take a Photo is a post written by Jen Thorpe on Book of Jen and is not allowed to be copied to other sites.

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Fall Pollen Season 2017, Out of Spoons 0 comments on A Spider Came to Visit

A Spider Came to Visit

I’ve always been fascinated by spiders. My grandmother told me that when I was a baby, just able to crawl, I would pick up spiders and try to bring them to my mom. Of course, by the time I got there, the spider was crushed. I’ve played with many spiders since then, and have never been bitten. Spiders like me.

This particular spider arrived on August 18, 2017, which just so happened to be Day 2 of Fall pollen season.

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Fall Pollen Season 2017, Out of Spoons 0 comments on A Trip to Lassens Natural Foods & Vitamins

A Trip to Lassens Natural Foods & Vitamins

Shawn and I ventured out to Lassens Natural Foods & Vitamins on what turned out to be Day 1 of Fall Pollen Season 2017.  We knew the pollen count was high enough that day to be bad for me. I wanted to take this trip anyway because I’d never been to this grocery store before and we were in search of gluten-free foods.

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Diablo Achievements, Diablo III 0 comments on Champion’s Collection Achievement

Champion’s Collection Achievement

Diablo III has a set of three Achievements that can be earned by killing a certain number of Champion monsters.  The three Achievements in this set are called “The Takedown”, “Not So Tough Now”, and “Champion’s Collection”.

Champion monsters are blue (and typically come in packs of three or more).  If you play Diablo III long enough, you will eventually earn all three of the Achievements in this set.  Just keep going after the champion packs!

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Diablo Achievements, Diablo III 0 comments on A Rare Phenomenon Achievement

A Rare Phenomenon Achievement

A Rare Phenomenon is the third part of a series of Achievements.  Each of the three requires players to kill a certain number of the Rare enemies that are on the list.  Keep playing Diablo III, and you will eventually earn all three of these Achievements.

Rare monsters are yellow and are tougher to kill than the blue Champion monsters.  They always have minions linked to them (which are harder to kill then the regular versions of those type of monsters).

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