Fall Pollen Season 2017, Out of Spoons 0 comments on Lack of Mobility

Lack of Mobility

Today is Day 15 of the 2017 Fall pollen season.  Things started off okay, and went downhill rather quickly in the afternoon. I blame the heat and humidity as well as the pollen count (which was 9.3 today).

There was a point during the day when I thought I was about to pass out from the heat. Humidity causes my joints to swell up, and I’ve been in pain all day long. My eyes are not itching today, so I guess that makes today less awful than yesterday was.

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Fall Pollen Season 2017, Out of Spoons 0 comments on Taking the Bus

Taking the Bus

Today was Day 12 of the 2017 Fall pollen season. I woke up shortly before my alarm went off because I was in pain. Pollen overload can cause me to have severe eye pain that is so bad it wakes me out of a sound sleep.

Days that begin with me feeling around for the medication I take to reduce the pain are horrible. The pain eventually subsides, but I’m never quite “right” after that. Pain is draining.

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Fall Pollen Season 2017, Out of Spoons 0 comments on Out of Energy

Out of Energy

Today was Day 10 of the 2017 Fall pollen season. I am in a lot of pain, but I was expecting that, and somewhat prepared to cope with it. Between the 10 days of too much pollen, and all the cleaning I’ve been doing, I had hit my limit. I was completely out of energy.

There were some good things that happened today. When I’m struggling, I try and find something positive to focus on.

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Fall Pollen Season 2017, Out of Spoons 0 comments on A Burst of Productivity

A Burst of Productivity

Today was Day 8 of the 2017 Fall pollen season. In the past few years, Fall pollen season starts around the middle to end of August, and continues right through September. I can’t recall when it usually ends.

What I am certain of is that the pollen count will get higher – and stay high – for a long, long, time. There aren’t going to be many more days where I am well enough to get basic things done. My strategy is to engage in a burst of productivity on a day where I’m sick – but not completely incapacitated.

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